He was perched on a bird bath just outside my family room window staring in. His beak had an almost metallic shine to it that I wanted in focus. I had to back up a couple feet behind the sofa to get the 180-600 to focus on it. At that distance the DOF is right around 1/2 inch.
In my opinion the new Nikon 180-600mm f5.6-6.3 zoom performs way above its $1,700.00 price point. I post this photo taken late in the day in shade when the sun is almost set to illustrate this zoom's ability to produce clean bokeh balls and smooth bokeh. I didn't think this could be done without paying $15,000.00 for the 600mm f4 prime lens.
nice cave photo! This is a South Dakota farm show. Farming in the olden days. It is surprising some of these old steam tractors are still around and some people keep them running.
What he was staring at is something of a mystery.
Yes I believe the car used to be police but not sure.
Nice still life with the watch.
D600 years ago. Unusual evening winter light turned into a computer generated painting.