That is a new one! Those or something similar by other companies have been out for a while for speedlights but that is a new attachment system I haven't seen before. I have used a version of the multi lines (replicate shades) and the widow pane effect a few times. They work well - but you can also make your own easily.
I have heard really good things about those - and I actually would like to dump all the Velcro stuff I have for them but at $100+ for the kit I would use for each flash (x5 units that I own) that is a bit steep. Especially when I can buy grids for $10 and a sheet of CTO for $5, Rosco gell pack for $15, and 60yds of Gaffer tape and use that for over 4 years (have yet to run out) the convenience of it is a bit expensive.
Both of those should be on a different thread - I'll make one.
I've used black construction paper for DIY snoots in the past. I do have a Rogue flashbender that I could roll up and use as a snoot as well. The "large" flashbender is OK at best as a flag but it's still relatively small to be used for that purpose. I also have a HonlPhoto 1/8 inch grid that velcro's onto the SB-9xx flash head and it's pretty good at containing the spread of light. I also keep several pieces of black foamcore laying around and have used them as DIY flags, gaff taped to lights for some of my (few) composite photos. My Flickr stream has a few photos that I used all of these to create ... from colored smoke billowing from incense cones in wine glases to various fruit on black velvet backgrounds, and the composites.
I want to do more with these in portraiture because I think it creates really dramatic photos such as lighting the face but having everything below the neckline rapidly fade to dark. A pure softbox just blasts everything and trying to create that look in post doesn't always render the result sought after.
Well I might be crazy and I understand the cost but I just ordered the Magmod kit. I'll give it a try and see if it lives up to the cost. I generally only carry two speed lights but I often want to control the light. I do carry some black foil and it works ok but when outdoors it can be a pain. We'll see and I'll post some photos with it in use.
This is what I use from the above post: Opteka OSG18 1/8-Inch Universal Honeycomb Grid - $10. By far the best deal in grids. Built like tanks.(they also have 1/4" & 1/6" grids as well.) Rosco The Strobist Collection $14 Lee 1/4 & 1/2 Orange (CTO), 20x24" Color Correcting Lighting Filter $11 Polyken 510 Premium Grade Gaffers Tape: 1 in. x 60 yds $18 The prices reflect Amazon's prices today.
I also have a Rogue ROGUEGRID 3-In-1 Stacking Honeycomb Grid $50. It is great but for when I found the $10 Opteka grids I never looked back.
OK, as promised here is a quick test of the Magmod Kit. Just received it today. Threw it on my SB910 and attached to my D700 for a quick test. I'm really impressed with the control. I purchased an extra grid and glad I did. Magmod says one grid provides 40 degrees and two grids is 20 degrees. Anyway, no scientific test here, just a quick look at what the light control looks like.
Hadn't seen that one before. It's interesting but it doesn't quite fit the design. Beauty dish design is to bounce the light back and spread it around dish - hence the parabolic design. I'm not sure how well that would work except for the catch lights in the eyes - which could be the focus or not.
I had a simple 16" one used with a speedlight bowens mount that worked great. Not quite like a Mola but it did what it was suppose to do. The real difference between $60 and $200 ones is very small. I can see a difference with Mola and some of the other high-end really nice (and expensive) ones but it's not a big difference.
After mine got flattened by a 8yr old and I picked up a Phottix Luna 27.5", 70cm Folding Beauty Dish for Studio Flash, White and it works preaty good overall - not quite the same light as a normal beauty dish and the light catches the internal frame and showes in the eyes but it does the basic job. I have actually have learned to like it as it is a bit different. The thing I like about it the most is that it is collapsible and rigid so it works well outdoors in the wind.
Interfit just released a 40" version for $90 and I'll probably pick a couple of those up to replace some flappy softboxes. Interfit actually just released a whole new line of foldable boxes that I really like the idea of and would like to get my hands on some to try out.
If one is just looking for the round catchlights in the eyes I use an Orbis ring flash that I find quite soft and flattering. The only thing I don't like about that is how it causes the tilt on most flashes to "snap" down and can't hold the weight of the design.
Something to consider. I actually want one but can't seem to make myself click the BUY button.
Neil VanNeikerk has a little writeup about flagging your speedlight "inside" of the softbox in order to control the spread of light comig out of it. This is worth a try because it just might keep me from spending money on a softbox grid.
I have played with that one - not bad at all, just expensive. One thing it does do better than many is direct the light more due to it's deeper and steeper walls which can be really nice. Westcott has good products, but you are paying for the name over quality IMHO. When you can find similar products for 1/3 the price it is hard to justify it. That said, I have no doubt that anyone would be very happy with it. That size (26") is just about right for a lot of work though.
Another brand "Firefly" & SMDV (rebranded as others) also have similar set-ups and I think those look (and reviewed) to be better built. They are pricy as well though.
Something to think about, I use a few of these: Fotodiox Umb-Soft-43-R Fotodiox Premium Grade Studio Umbrella Softbox @$20 you can't beat the price, and the light is really good with speedlights. I use those a lot on location with groups for their size (43") and they travel well. The really nice thing is that I can get multiple speedlights in one to increase the power for outdoor shoots.
@Vipmediastar_JZ, Magmod just sent me an email talking about the new improved system. The shocking part was, they are sending me the new upgraded system because I had recently purchased the original. That's customer service at it's best.
Great to hear. I heard other people are getting 30.00 off the sale price. Yours is the best deal enjoy and I'm tempted but I got the 10.00 ones from amazon recently.
I also have a HonlPhoto 1/8 inch grid that velcro's onto the SB-9xx flash head and it's pretty good at containing the spread of light. I also keep several pieces of black foamcore laying around and have used them as DIY flags, gaff taped to lights for some of my (few) composite photos. My Flickr stream has a few photos that I used all of these to create ... from colored smoke billowing from incense cones in wine glases to various fruit on black velvet backgrounds, and the composites.
I want to do more with these in portraiture because I think it creates really dramatic photos such as lighting the face but having everything below the neckline rapidly fade to dark. A pure softbox just blasts everything and trying to create that look in post doesn't always render the result sought after.
Opteka OSG18 1/8-Inch Universal Honeycomb Grid - $10. By far the best deal in grids. Built like tanks.(they also have 1/4" & 1/6" grids as well.)
Rosco The Strobist Collection $14
Lee 1/4 & 1/2 Orange (CTO), 20x24" Color Correcting Lighting Filter $11
Polyken 510 Premium Grade Gaffers Tape: 1 in. x 60 yds $18
The prices reflect Amazon's prices today.
I also have a Rogue ROGUEGRID 3-In-1 Stacking Honeycomb Grid $50. It is great but for when I found the $10 Opteka grids I never looked back.
Thanks for the thread Bokeh Hunter.
Here is a new option that i saw
Eventually I may just get rid of my Strobes and stick to speedlights thats why I'm looking into these accesories.
I had a simple 16" one used with a speedlight bowens mount that worked great. Not quite like a Mola but it did what it was suppose to do. The real difference between $60 and $200 ones is very small. I can see a difference with Mola and some of the other high-end really nice (and expensive) ones but it's not a big difference.
After mine got flattened by a 8yr old and I picked up a Phottix Luna 27.5", 70cm Folding Beauty Dish for Studio Flash, White and it works preaty good overall - not quite the same light as a normal beauty dish and the light catches the internal frame and showes in the eyes but it does the basic job. I have actually have learned to like it as it is a bit different. The thing I like about it the most is that it is collapsible and rigid so it works well outdoors in the wind.
Interfit just released a 40" version for $90 and I'll probably pick a couple of those up to replace some flappy softboxes. Interfit actually just released a whole new line of foldable boxes that I really like the idea of and would like to get my hands on some to try out.
If one is just looking for the round catchlights in the eyes I use an Orbis ring flash that I find quite soft and flattering. The only thing I don't like about that is how it causes the tilt on most flashes to "snap" down and can't hold the weight of the design.
Something to consider. I actually want one but can't seem to make myself click the BUY button.
Neil VanNeikerk has a little writeup about flagging your speedlight "inside" of the softbox in order to control the spread of light comig out of it. This is worth a try because it just might keep me from spending money on a softbox grid.
Another brand "Firefly" & SMDV (rebranded as others) also have similar set-ups and I think those look (and reviewed) to be better built. They are pricy as well though.
Something to think about, I use a few of these:
Fotodiox Umb-Soft-43-R Fotodiox Premium Grade Studio Umbrella Softbox
@$20 you can't beat the price, and the light is really good with speedlights. I use those a lot on location with groups for their size (43") and they travel well. The really nice thing is that I can get multiple speedlights in one to increase the power for outdoor shoots.