As we are letting the thread of this years "getogether" drop down through the ranks, I am asking now for ideas about the next one.
Some of the thinking is as follows:
1) The venue needs to be easily accessible for those who fly in and rent cars.
2) Several photo venues are suggested, e.g., wildlife, landscape, people, architecture,
3) Shopping….maybe this is my personal idea….LOL
4) Weather forecast…. worked well this year!
Msmoto, mod
As for next years, the venues, based on our little group meeting at dinner in Portland came down to the following location: 1) San Francisco, 2) Utah, 3) Hawaii, 4) Black Hills National Forest, 5) Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve.
Of those mentioned, I'm personally leaning heavy toward San Francisco. Moreover, many of items Msmoto has so kindly pointed and exceed those criteria's. Never the less, once the venue has been agreed upon, I will be spear heading the event.
Whew. Sorry for the chanting. If you do SF in the late fall, maybe just before Thanksgiving, it is cool, you have incredible city shots and less than an hour North, you have country scenery that just blew me away. And of course, the best of all, I might just join you.
But before the location discussion begins, here is my perspective. Any where the group plans to visit must meet these criteria:
• Must have a good airport with regional and good connections to other larger airports with international connections.
• The airport must be within a reasonable drive time to the hotel center or photo shooting area.
• Large cities should be avoided due to the high cost of the hotel room and cost of food. LA, NYC, Chicago, and SF are too expensive and will affect how many attend.
• For the ladies, shopping. Needs to be close to shopping malls. Msmoto requirements.
• Good photo opportunities
Suggest we keep these requirements in mind as we discuss and propose sites for the next get together. See the next message for more about Hocking Hills and the Columbus, Ohio area.
|SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
Hocking Hills is located outside of Logan, Ohio, less than 60 minutes from the Columbus Airport. Having lived 14+ years in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio we made many trips to Hocking Hills. The largest camera store in Columbus and Tamron held a photo shoot there six years ago and 45 of us enjoyed the day shooting the area with two professional photographers and free use of Tamron glass.
Hocking Hills State Park is in Hocking County, Ohio. Best known for its rustic quality, much of this part of southeastern Ohio is covered with lush forestlands and deep gorges. In the mid- to late 1800's, though, the area surrounding Hocking Hills was abound with industry. Now, only remnants of this age can be found in and around Hocking County as old house foundations poking out of grassy fields, piles of coal lying along roadsides and abandoned iron furnaces. It's an Ohio State Park. It is undisturbed forests and rugged cliffs and deep, mysterious gorges. It is hiking, bird watching, star programs and wildlife. It's Adventure....It is the Hocking Hills.
You can learn more about Hocking Hills State Park at:
To see some photos, from the main page, click on “Hiking/Biking+” and pick the items from the drop down menu. Start with Ash Cave and work your way through the pictures. The water falling off the top of the cave makes for great photography. There are lots to see and photograph and once you check out the web site you will understand why I am proposing Hocking Hills for part of the shoot.
Here is the official web site for Hocking Hills:
I have visited Hocking Hills in the spring, outstanding waterfalls and in the gorge great water pictures and rock pictures along with great spring flowers. In the summer less water but still great opportunities for photography especially in the gorge. You can spend hours in the gorge. Fall color is outstanding but for the one weeks surrounding peak color, it’s very busy as people come from all over to see the color in the park requiring you book hotel rooms 2 months in advance to guaranty a room. The old wood cottages are terrific subjects too. If you love to hike, there are lots of trails and any distance your want. The official statement is there are six areas to hike in. Did I mention birds and the occasional wildlife.
What I have learned over the years is that several of the sites (Old Man’s Cave, Ash Cave, and Cedar Falls) should be visited in the morning and again in the afternoon. The lighting and color is totally different. The distance from the parking lot to Ash Cave is a short .25 mile walk so for those not in shape to walk you will find this to be pretty easy. Then again, Old Man’s Cave is a reasonable hike, less than 2 miles round trip. But the scenery is so nice and worth the hike. The cave is in a side of the hill.
My favorites are Ash Cave, Old Man’s Cave, Cedar Falls, Conkles Hollow, Cantwell Cliffs, and the Rock House.
Yes, it does meet the criteria/requirements:
1. The Port Columbus International Airport has good connections to NYC, Atlanta, Chicago, LA, SF, and Dulles airports. Good connection to Canada.
2. Airport location on the east side of Columbus is just 2 miles from the Interstate and a short one hour drive to Logan, Ohio. Small town but there are good hotels that could serve as headquarters for the first two nights and of course, cabins, and B&B’s are all over the place.
3. Room cost is reasonable, $80 to $125/night. In Logan, to spend more than $25 for Dinner is going to be difficult (without drinks). In Columbus metro area, typical meal prices are $15 to $35 for dinner. And of course there are high end restaurants where you can spend up to $100 per meal with out drinks. And guess who knows all the top rated restaurants in Columbus?
4. Located on the North side of Columbus is Polaris Mall, largest shopping center in the center of Ohio. Located 15 minutes away is Concord Mall, second largest shopping mall. Of course, this is for MsMoto and the other shoppers in the group.
5. Photo opportunities are all over, see below.
See next message for the balance of my recommendation. There is a max limit to posting.
|SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
My suggestions are to spend 1.5 to 2 days in Hocking Hills and the rest of the time in Columbus. The photo opportunities in the greater Columbus area include (Columbus has 740,000 people and the metro area is 1.1 million people.):
1. Franklin Park Conservatory & Botanical Garden features 28 acres of botanical gardens and landscapes. Admission is $5/person and they allow mono pods and tripods. No charge outside. Love the inside dome area, great macro opportunities. From March to September they have butterflies inside one of the domes.
2. Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.
This is one of the best zoos in the US and home of Jack Hanna. The zoo is divided into these sections: North America, Australia and Islands, African Forest, Asia Quest, The Shores, Jungle Jack’s Landing, and the Aquarium. $15/adult. Early morning to get the wildlife outside.
3. The Wilds, located 90 minutes east of Columbus. This property is now owned by Columbus Zoo and is located in Cumberland, Ohio. You want to photograph wildlife without fences, this is your opportunity. Been there 3 times and it keeps growing. The Safari tour is $20/adult.
4. Highbanks Metro Park, 1159 acres, located in Dublin, Ohio, NW corner of Columbus. Photograph BIF and you could see American Eagles in the wild. Trails run from .04 miles to 3.5 miles. There are ravines, streams, shale ledges dripping with water, forest, and wetlands.
And yes, even though I live in Wisconsin, I can help plan this get together.
|SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
The Black Hills and Badlands of South Dakota provide for about two or three weeks of photo venues. To shoot the badlands at sunrise is phenomenal.
A trip on Going to the Sun Road, which I have ridden on a motorcycle, is so awe inspiring one has to literally see it to believe it. If one takes the tour on the Red Bus, it relieves one of the issue of driving and trying to park for photo shoots.
Either of the above are superb for the outdoor photographer who enjoys landscapes. The Black Hills is easily accessed via the Rapid City Airport served by United, American, and Delta. My guess is the most economical is the Black Hills….
However, one other venue, the Outer Banks of North Carolina, Hatteras and such is a very nice place as well, and of course in my backyard.
In September of 2015, most all of the above would be slightly discounted as the season is about finished.
OK, that is my spiel……...
Any volunteers henrik1963?
How about Panama or Costa Rica in December? I know a great guide in Costa Rica. I would volunteer to help set up a Costa Rica
partyI mean meeting.I would guess that two a year: one in the US and one outside the US would be OK. More would probably be overkill.
I think it's important to mention that the San Francisco option does not mean spending the entire time in SF. The discussion we had involved the majority of time spent in the gorgeous spots within driving distance from SF. Perhaps a day or so in SF proper, but even then we'd need not stay in the pricey hotels right in the city.
As you may see, I'm liking the SF option.
|SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
In fact, on behalf of the mod's, we would welcome such a gathering. Those that wish to have their own personal group outing, you are all welcome to reach out to one another and make it happen.
I thanks each of you for your input and ideas. All will be considered and over the next few months we will go over them all and inform you of our decision. For those that wish to provide detailed information, please send them to me via PM.
Lastly, this 3rd NRF Annual gathering is for the year to come, hence, 2015.
My schedule shows October-November as a possibility. What would be good for you? What dates would be best for you spraynpray?
I've been to London, Munich, Paris, and Leon so I vote against those places. Any where else is good for me. Scotland? Ireland?
Are there any special photographic events in that time frame?
As for 2015 I'm in for SF and Ohio. Glacier is out of budget.
@vip ediastar_jz - I'll be in Chicago by the end of this month, if u wanna meet.