PeterPeter Posts: 178Administrator
edited July 2018 in General Discussions
Moving thread from old forum.
Post edited by spraynpray on
admin |


  • kyoshinikonkyoshinikon Posts: 411Member
    Im baaaack!  Lol   Older forum member and avid/semi pro photographer (1/3rd-2/3rds of my living is photography)...
    “To photograph is to hold one’s breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It’s at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy.” - Bresson
  • SilenceBrokenTTSilenceBrokenTT Posts: 12Member
    Might as well...

    Been around here since about a month or so before the D7000 was announced. Made a video of me unboxing it on YouTube, somehow made over 90K since I was one of the first to get it (thanks to this site and the info all my fellow users here gave me how Best Buy were selling them early, lol.)

    Amateur photographer, would love to get more serious someday... in the Army at Fort Hood, deploying again soon so with this one I plan on buying a D600 or refurb'd D800 and the 70-200 f/2.8.

    And just had my first daughter arrive 10 days ago. :D

    D7000, D3100; Nikkor 35mm f/1.8, Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D, Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8; SB-910, MB-D11, AlienBee 800
  • PeterPeter Posts: 178Administrator
    Congrats! I have two daughters - 7 and 10 years old. I am located in South Florida - have been here for over 16 years, but I am originally from Europe. I have to confess - I really like the Sony RX1. I hope we can organize a forum meeting in 2013. That's all for now.
    admin |
  • FozzyffpFozzyffp Posts: 23Member
    Hey, I dunno if i ever posted in this thread in the old forum but im Matt from Space Coast, FL, i work on ships and i picked up my DSLR because with the amount of time i spent at sea, i needed a hobby! Now I carry the thing with me everywhere!
  • Scuderia1Scuderia1 Posts: 82Member
    Great idea, especially when "starting over" with an upgraded forum.

    My name is Sonny and I'm a pharmacist currently living in pittsburgh, PA. I've never had an artistic bone in my body, but I've always wanted a way to express art. This became appearance to me when I visited Moab and Yellowstone in 2011. I took my girlfriend to Yosemite in 2012 and decided I couldn't go without a DSLR. I bought a D5100. Never had experience with anything other than a point and shoot prior. The DSLR made me look at everything in nature with another vantage point. I paused to look a lot longer than I ever did before. Then I found deer in a park near my apartment and have tried my hand at wildlife photography. The best moment for my camera and I though was attending a formula 1 race In Austin, TX in Nov 2012. Again, photography gave me another outlook on a sport I am extremely passionate about. It was safe to say I was hooked after that.

    I've since upgraded to a D800.. And I will never forget the first few pics. Simply stunning! Can't wait to hear others stories! :)
    Nikon D800 | Nikkor 50mm f/1.8g | Nikkor 24-70 f/2.8 | Nikkor 300mm f/4 (+Nikon TC1.4x)
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    Been around NR for a few years now. As for work, I work as a photographer part time, shooting sports, small events and charities. Beyond that, I just love photography, and find the development of the technology, and innovation behind modern cameras fascinating. I'm here for that fascination more than rumours of new gear, since what I have is good enough for my needs at this time. I also find the NR community a great place to learn, be inspired and grow as a photographer (Photo thread!).
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • CorrelliCorrelli Posts: 135Member
    I joined NR about two years ago. I find it is great information and the PAD is always very inspiring. Photography is just a hobby for me although what I do for a living is not too far from that (industrial vision) and I did study something called photographic engineering. I started photography about 25 years ago with Nikon - my father had a Nikon F301 and while studying I did actually work for Nikon as a freelancer in tech-support and at the Photokina. Very interesting insights I got back then.
  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    How cool, all the oldies are posting here.  

    Me....  My life has been blessed by knowing some excellent teachers, Gerhard Bakker, Fonville Winens, Joel Strasser to name a few.   I graduated from Layton School of Art in 1965, worked professionally until 1971, then changed careers. After retiring in 2002, I picked up the camera more seriously and do a lot of snapshots.  

    Fast vehicles, and people are the two primary subjects and I prefer available light.  My current project is photographing homeless individuals as a way to increase awareness.

    Sometime in 2012 I was asked to be a moderator on NRF, a distinct honor.  

    My congratulations to our administrator for the changes.  I think the new forum will be much more free of the Spammer Monster.

    Msmoto, mod
  • shawninoshawnino Posts: 453Member
    I'm a working mathematician who lurked here a long while before registering in early 2012. It's so great to have a forum where people are knowledgeable about gear. I'd like to think I'm improving my technique slowly, but the quantum leaps in my image quality always come from reading this forum closely and using the advice as it relates to lens choices and exposure.

  • Witty_NicknameWitty_Nickname Posts: 193Member
    edited December 2012
    Old NR name was Regulator75, changed name to align with my Flickr account.
    Made the jump to full-frame (D800) and am very impressed with it's
    performance. It's my 3rd DSLR in 5 years. First was D80 then the D90.

    I love capturing architecture, macro, skylines, landscapes and most of all my Son!
    Look forward to seeing what Nikon / Nikkor has in store for us in 2013!
    Post edited by Witty_Nickname on
  • ben_v3ben_v3 Posts: 59Member
    I'm fairly new to NRF. I was making a little money with photography 5-7 years ago but then my day job doing camera QA for a large company burnt me out. I understand the basics but have never been good with the real technical stuff. Im hoping to change that and to start making a little cash on the side. 
    D600 | AF-S 24-70mm 1:2.8G ED | AF 20mm 1:2.8 D | SB-800
  • bjrichusbjrichus Posts: 23Member
    edited December 2012
    Oldies??? Ms.M.!!!!!!! I've been around here for a few years now...

    Well, speaking for me alone...

    I am originally from Europe as is our [NR] admin, but living in the USA now.

    Learnt darkroom and photography skills in an age when 35mm full frame was a small format!!! :P

    Went to art school in England - studied for the DipAD and have a BSc too.

    I work in higher education now and have had work published - in 2012 alone on several web sites, gallery shows and half a dozen magazine articles. Looking to try and give up all the 'work' and non personal photography and become a full time 'artist' - Ha! Who am I kidding....

    Current personal photo work is being done on my trusty Nikormat FT3 film camera, which I have had since it was new in 1977 or something (also use other brands of film camera, but we'll leave those alone for now, shall we?) as well as Nikon DSLR (D4 owned by my employer for work things - I am seriously in love with it :x ), and on my own D7000 with a D3000 as backup...  

    Post edited by bjrichus on
  • IronheartIronheart Posts: 3,017Moderator
    Been lurking here a while. Finally registered in September '12. My first SLR was a Nikkormat FTn. I still have it; need to take some photos with it and post them up. Developed my own B&W film and prints with that camera starting when I was 12 years old (30+ years ago). Was lead photographer for high-school and college yearbooks. Got my first DSLR a year and a half ago. Not much has changed :-) We still have f-stop, ISO, and shutter speed... I am a hobbyist/enthusiast. Never earned a dime from photography.
  • Lakers035Lakers035 Posts: 5Member
    This is my first photography forum that I've joined, although I'd like to consider myself semi-pro.  I know my way around a camera, but still have issues using the technical terms.  Why do they have to talk so confusing sometimes!!??!  :)

    I take mostly family and child shots, but if the scenery is beautiful enough to stop me, I like to snap a few of that as well.  

    I just bought the 800 (yay!) but am still using my 90 since this 800 seems a bit over my head.  I'm working on it though, but have a few questions to ask everyone before I can put the 90 in storage and use the 800 as my "go to" camera.  

    I am a stay at home to 4 very young kids (all under 8 years old) and supplement my husbands income with my photography business.  I LOVE it, and after the kids are all in school, I hope to bring it to the next level.  :)
  • NSXTypeRNSXTypeR Posts: 2,291Member
    edited December 2012
    Another oldie back!

    I'm now NSXTypeR and not NSXType-R.  The new forum either hates my name or hyphens! :D

    I'm a student and photography is my hobby.  My dad has a Nikon SLR and several film point and shoots, so when we went digital I chose Nikon cameras too.  

    I started off with the Coolpix E3700 and moved onto a Nikon D40.
    Post edited by NSXTypeR on
    Nikon D7000/ Nikon D40/ Nikon FM2/ 18-135 AF-S/ 35mm 1.8 AF-S/ 105mm Macro AF-S/ 50mm 1.2 AI-S
  • DXV_PhotoDXV_Photo Posts: 160Member
    I am relatively new to the forum just starting in November.  Old handle was David but changed it to match my flickr account.

    Photography is a hobby for me and I have been in and out of it for the last 30 years.  Picked up the bug again and am trying to expand my expertise.  Still shooting with a D90 and plan on doing so over the next year while I upgrade my lenses.  I have learned some great stuff during the short time I have been here and look forward to future discussions.
  • Golf007sdGolf007sd Posts: 2,840Moderator
    edited December 2012
    Hello to all, 

    Well given that this new "medium" is all fresh and new, I might as well make my contribution to this part as well. 

    Got into photography while assisting some guests back in 2010. The D7000 was my pick for entering into the wonderful world of D-SLR. I had no idea how much of a joy photography would bring my life. I'm very happy to have made this journey so far and look forward to it's continues pleasures. Need less to say, this adventure has not come without a price....if you all know what I mean. I hope that as my passion and collection of gear grows, as does my skills and the quality of my work. 

    I look forward in meeting you all...specially if it is in person. 

    Post edited by Golf007sd on
    D4 & D7000 | Nikon Holy Trinity Set + 105 2.8 Mico + 200 F2 VR II | 300 2.8G VR II, 10.5 Fish-eye, 24 & 50 1.4G, 35 & 85 1.8G, 18-200 3.5-5.6 VR I SB-400 & 700 | TC 1.4E III, 1.7 & 2.0E III, 1.7 | Sigma 35 & 50 1.4 DG HSM | RRS Ballhead & Tripods Gear | Gitzo Monopod | Lowepro Gear | HDR via Promote Control System |
  • BesoBeso Posts: 464Member

    Well, I guess we are starting from scratch.  Here are a few tidbits about me:  I joined NR this year when I chose to reignite my photography interest after lying dormant for some 30 years during my non-photography related career.  I purchased some new equipment (D800, the Nikkor holy trinity, Zeiss 100mm, TC, etc.) and started a new journey.  I have found a number of Internet "friends" through NR and Flickr and have been amazed by the wealth of knowledge and freely exchanged artistry.  I love fast cars and have three of the finest German products on the market.  I also love the intrinsic beauty of nature and never tire of exploring new vistas through a lens.  While much of my photography is focused on landscapes and architecture, I do enjoy shooting people; particularly outside of the "posed and controlled" situation.

    It looks like NR is heading into the new year with a new look.  I look forward to continuing to learn and occasionally share with fellow photographers through the "new look" NR.

    Occasionally a decent image ...
  • MikeFrewerMikeFrewer Posts: 51Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Mike. Originally from the UK but now living in Alsace, France and working in Switzerland.
    I started photography with a Canon AE1 Programme encouraged by my cousin about 30 years ago, which I still have today, albeit not used. I slipped away from photography for quite a while due to personal circumstances, but about 2006 I bought a D40. I like motorsport and Wildlife photography. My D40 lens broke after I fell over in a forest taking pictures of the French round of the WRC. I now have a 35mm lens on it, but I am waiting to upgrade to a better camera, either DX or FX. While I am waiting, I hope to purchase the Holy Trinity of lenses to go with my next purchase. I'll see what Nikon has in store for us in 2013, and then make my mind up about which camera to buy.
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,186Member
    Sigh .... Will miss seeing the 1,701 posts next to my id from the old forum...

    So from scratch here we go..
    hmmm ... Not inspired yet.. will edit this post later :-)
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    Sigh .... Will miss seeing the 1,701 posts next to my id from the old forum...

    So from scratch here we go..
    hmmm ... Not inspired yet.. will edit this post later :-)
    Yeah, my 2700 or whatever are gone...and I was looking formard to three posts on PAD when I got to 3000....LOL :))

    These Emoticons may push me over the limit....
    Msmoto, mod
  • warprintswarprints Posts: 61Member
    Whoa!   I'm a newbie again !!  
    Is there some way you can make this work for the aging process?  I wouldn't mind going back about 20 years or so.   

  • pippigurlpippigurl Posts: 241Member
    Hi everyone. I live and work primarily in Wilmington, NC and work as a orthopedic surgical nurse. My interests in photography go back to high school when my dad bought me a 35mm film camera. That summer on vacation my parents thought I had lost my mind as they saw me standing by a huge pine tree smiling. Little did they know I had discovered the "timer." This forum has been such an inspiration and I look forward daily to seeing, learning and sharing here. My interest focus on wildlife and environmental subjects.
  • cbgcbg Posts: 127Member
    Never did introduce myself on the old forum.  I live and work in the Washington, DC/Baltimore area as a systems engineer.  I have been interested in photography since my dad got a Yashica SLR sometime in the mid-1960s.  My first "real" camera was Yashica rangefinder that I used for a few years.  I didn't do much for a long time until I picked up a Pentax SLR in the mid 80s.  Used that odd and on for a while until I got my first digita camera, a Fuji P&S.  I made the move to a digital SL about 3 years ago when I got a Nikon D5000 and then picked up a D7000 this past summer.  My interests are mainly nature, wildlife (mainly birds), as well as family stuff with my kids and grandkids.
  • rdj_fotografierdj_fotografie Posts: 1Member
    Hi there,

    I live and work in The Netherlands, have been looking at the website of Nikon Rumors regularly so might as well In toduce myself now... I'm a Nikon user for the last 30 years or so, at the moment use the D300 but think about upgrading to the D800. Unfortunately the prices here in Europe are much higher than in the USA so I wait for the price level to come down a bit more and then go for it :-)
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