D300s Successor-D400, what and when



  • anoano Posts: 27Member
    edited October 2013
    we can be a NIKON DSLR user and not to be a fanboy from NIKON.
    under some specific aspect, the IQ of K5 was better the D7000 ... (no BF ou FF, better JPEG etc etc, the internal treatment of noise was better ... )
    The K5 was a great DSLR !

    reading the spec of K3, I make the observation that the buffer is great, the fps is amazing, the new AF seems to show a big step forward from K5 ...
    For anyone without big investments in lenses already done, it seems to be a very attractive DSLR ...

    Come on NIKON ... come on ...
    Post edited by ano on
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    edited October 2013
    Well said @ano
    Pentax and ricoh have been great camera manufacturers. Technically their stuff has always been very capable. if my whole family were not nikon users and nikon were to crash and burn and be no more I would be going to pentax. The way their kit handles just makes sense to me.

    And that K-3 is NICE !
    Post edited by heartyfisher on
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    Pentax always made good kit, as did Olympus. If Olympus were as well placed in the DSLR market today with products as well placed technically and price wise as they were in the SLR market, I probably would have bought one.
    Always learning.
  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,887Member
    I think you just have to go either Nikon or Cannon because they both have an extensive line of other bodies, many lenses and accessories. No matter what you want to do you will be able to find the equipment to do it in either system. If Nikon or Cannon don't have the equipment some third party supplier will made a Nikon or Cannon compatible part.
  • AndrewzAndrewz Posts: 122Member
    Not jumping ship anytime soon but Thom does make a good point or two. I just think this means that Nikon has to come up with Pro DX camera sooner or later...

    D750, P7000, F100 80-200 f2.8 AF-S, 24-120 f4, 50 f1.8D, 85 f1.8G, 14-24 f2.8

    Old friends now gone -D200, D300, 80-200 f2.3/D, 18-200, 35 f1.8G, 180 f2.8D, F, FM2, MD-12, 50 f1.4 Ais, 50 f1.8 Ais, 105 f2.5 Ais, 24 f2.8 Ais, 180 f2.8 ED Ais
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    @donaldejose: Oly did all the accessories that Nikon does, it was called 'The OM System'. If they had the money to follow the APSC and FF route, they would have been as successful as they were in the film days.

    I did start to follow them, I bought the E10 which was the first 'pro' DSLR. Image wise, it did well and was totally reliable for 10 years but when I went to upgrade, there was nothing there to upgrade to (APSC or FF).
    Always learning.
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    @spraynpray Olympus was never in the same league as Nikon or Canon. They were always fourth (at best) or fifth fiddle, behind Nikon, Canon, Minolta and Pentax. Olympus's market share has not change much in the last 25 years, regardless of the system. The OM system never had auto focus lenses, and was often considered poor mans gear. Not that that means they made bad gear, I don't think anyone would make that assertion. Olympus's first SLR cameras with auto focus lenses were the original four thirds cameras.
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    edited October 2013
    @PB_PM: I was talking about a time when there were NO autofocus lenses or any other technofrenzy bells and whistles, when all cameras were manual/mechanical and if your battery went flat all you lost was the meter. The handling of the OM range was superior to just about every other camera out there. Probably 1975 (38 yrs!) so the last 25 years you speak of does not reflect my experience or Olympus at their best. I had OM1/OM2n's until 1999 when I got the E10 digital.

    We digress though.

    @Andrewz: +1. Thom says it like it is.
    Post edited by spraynpray on
    Always learning.
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    edited October 2013
    I had the OM10 .. loved that little thing .. so small so capable. Had that interesting Dynamic metering that even now is not available with all this fancy high tech gizmoachacallits... Great for light painting photography.. just paint away until there was enough light exposure then it closed the shutter !
    Post edited by heartyfisher on
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    I guess this thread is now about all the reasons Nikon should bring about a D400.

    But, it is nice to hear about a camera which would close the shutter after light painting. Maybe.....naw...

    One other possible delay was Nikon developing the D610 shutter mechanism....this must have eaten up some resources initially working on the D400. And, maybe the D400 had the original D600 shutter. :(
    Msmoto, mod
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    naw? why not.. mirrorless cameras should be able to do that soon where the metering can be done dynamically off the sensor. It was great for light painting and lightning photography and and some multi flash exposure fun. also other dynamic lighting situations like christmas lights that blink on and off or change intensity and colours in a random fashion..
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • SportsSports Posts: 365Member
    The new Pentax is probably not on the level where D400 should be, but the amazing difference is that Pentax are trying. Improvement in almost all areas. Innovation (the IBIS base AA function.) It has some abilities that the D7100 certainly doesn't have. And Pentax seems to keep renewing their models, so the next one will be even better.
    At the same time .... yawn, you know the story .... the two giants deliberately choose NOT to replace D300s/7D. They choose NOT to do their best. They could - easily - beat Pentax, but their customers apparently deserve just endless updates to those low-end models. You have to love Pentax for trying.
    Btw, who said that those frequent consumer updates were needed to stay competitive? Well, Thom said :-) that the D3100 does better than the D3200 (at a lower price, but still...). I'm sure Nikon will see this as an urgent need to get the D3300 out.
    All that said, my D300 suddenly seems to produce much darker pictures that it used to. Maybe, something can be fixed or what do I know, but it would be great just to get a replacement :-) Well, some testing is needed.
    D300, J1
    Sigma 70-200/2.8, 105/2.8
    Nikon 50/1.4G, 18-200, 80-400G
    1 10-30, 30-110
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited October 2013
    They choose NOT to do their best. .
    absolutely the D4 and the D800 are rubbish
    This is after all, the knock Nikon forum :(

    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    They choose NOT to do their best. .
    absolutely the D4 and the D800 are rubbish
    This is after all, the knock Nikon forum :(

    That is unfair! he obviously meant it in context of the D400 DX system not the FX.
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • PhotobugPhotobug Posts: 5,751Member
    MsMoto said:
    One other possible delay was Nikon developing the D610 shutter mechanism....this must have eaten up some resources initially working on the D400. And, maybe the D400 had the original D600 shutter.

    If your right, now it's your turn for one of your monthly estimates when we will see the D400. :))

    That is a logical explanation for the delay.
    D750 & D7100 | 24-70 F2.8 G AF-S ED, 70-200 F2.8 AF VR, TC-14E III, TC-1.7EII, 35 F2 AF D, 50mm F1.8G, 105mm G AF-S VR | Backup & Wife's Gear: D5500 & Sony HX50V | 18-140 AF-S ED VR DX, 55-300 AF-S G VR DX |
    |SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
  • AndrewzAndrewz Posts: 122Member
    O.k. I don't think Nikon is the perfect company but really this is something of a Nikon fan page so I would expect people to at least be fair. Nikon has had to make some difficult choices in which models to produce and everyone seems to forget, flood, earth quake, nuclear disaster in Japan. Then the Olympics and the need to get the D4 out.... Now the D400 design is way to old... So there are plenty of reasons for why we are here now.

    Thom Hogan has an interesting article "what Nikon should fix" ( http://www.dslrbodies.com/nikon/about-nikon/what-nikon-should-fix.html ) If what he says is correct and I have no reason to doubt him, there are some interesting insights into the company.

    One thing to remember about Nikon is that they are a camera company not a copier company that makes cameras too. Other companies have some luxuries of working in a more diverse corporation insulating the camera division from the ups and downs of the market place...

    So give Nikon a break! They may not come out with "my" D400 but for sure they will come out with another game changing camera, they always do... Maybe it will be the medium format who knows...

    O.k. The soapbox is put away and I feel better :-)
    D750, P7000, F100 80-200 f2.8 AF-S, 24-120 f4, 50 f1.8D, 85 f1.8G, 14-24 f2.8

    Old friends now gone -D200, D300, 80-200 f2.3/D, 18-200, 35 f1.8G, 180 f2.8D, F, FM2, MD-12, 50 f1.4 Ais, 50 f1.8 Ais, 105 f2.5 Ais, 24 f2.8 Ais, 180 f2.8 ED Ais
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited October 2013
    So give Nikon a break! They may not come out with "my" D400 but for sure they will come out with another game changing camera, they always do...
    + 1

    Remember the Nikon F was not the first SLR It was simply the first well made really reliable SLR with a selection of first class lenses
    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited October 2013
    That is unfair! he obviously meant it in context of the D400 DX system not the FX.
    Ok no D400 but on the Dx front; the D7100 is not a bad little camera, if fact when it comes to bangs for bucks, for camera that accept all of Nikon's current lenses and most of their old ones with 51 focus point AF, at less than half the price of a D800, not bad at all

    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • catfishcatfish Posts: 41Member
    edited October 2013
    Photography Bay has listed some new rumors about the 7D Mark II:

    New rumors of the Canon 7D Mark II suggest that an announcement should/could arrive in the second quarter of 2014. Additionally, the 7D Mark II is rumored to be more video oriented than typically seen in Canon HDSLRs and that the camera would retail well above the Canon 70D.

    These new rumors are consistent with what we’ve heard for months regarding release dates and specs for the upcoming 7D Mark II. See the below list of previously rumored specs.

    Canon 7D Mark II Rumored Specs

    24.1mp APS-C Sensor
    Dual DIGIC V
    Dual Memory Card Slots (Unknown configuration)
    61 AF Points
    3.2″ LCD
    Build quality like 5D3
    GPS & Wifi
    $2199 ($500 more than the 7D at launch)
    ISO Performance to get close to the 5D3
    “Lots of video features”
    As more and more rumors come out about the Canon 7D Mark II, the more I am inclined to believe it will be announced at or just prior to NAB 2014, which kicks off April 5, 2014. If the camera will be the video-centric camera that has been rumored so much and it’s coming in Q2, then it almost has to come out the first week of April so that Canon can show off a new whiz-bang video camera at NAB

    Sure looks like an awfully nice camera if this is all true, too bad that all lenses aren't compatible.
    Post edited by catfish on
    “Sometimes I arrive just when God's ready to have somone click the shutter.”
    ― Ansel Adams
  • anoano Posts: 27Member
    edited October 2013
    another year to get a pro APS-C DSLR is really a bad joke ...

    The synchronism of NIKON and CANON for the release of major products seems increasingly more suspect every day ...
    In the world of real competition between compagny, waiting the release of its competitor is stupid.... It has only a meaning if there is a collusion between NIKON and CANON with the only aim to preserve their dominant position on this olgarchic market ...
    Post edited by ano on
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    If you don't like how Nikon and Canon do business, don't buy their products.
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • anoano Posts: 27Member
    edited October 2013
    If you don't like how Nikon and Canon do business, don't buy their products.
    the question is not to like or dislike this:
    a collusion between compagny on prices and market is an illegal agreement
    Post edited by ano on
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    edited October 2013
    Japaneses business collaborate a lot, which is hardly the same thing collusion.

    The price of items in a similar line of products is often similar. To suggest that the means they are colluding and fixing prices is a bit of a stretch.
    Post edited by PB_PM on
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    Let me see, D400....mmm early 2014? LOL

    As to the illegality of Nikon and Canon exchanging ideas....no question.....but many a business deal have been made at casual social gatherings.....
    Msmoto, mod
  • PhotobugPhotobug Posts: 5,751Member
    Msmoto said:
    Let me see, D400....mmm early 2014? LOL

    Well they have a trade show in Q1 and the Winter Olympics as two excellent places to announce a new camera. Hope your right but I doubt it.

    Even with the buffer issue on the D7100, I am enjoying the new camera. Still adapting to the smaller grip but have nailed some terrific images. I gave up on the D400 and moved on. If and when the D400 is released I will buy one and the D7100 becomes my back-up.
    D750 & D7100 | 24-70 F2.8 G AF-S ED, 70-200 F2.8 AF VR, TC-14E III, TC-1.7EII, 35 F2 AF D, 50mm F1.8G, 105mm G AF-S VR | Backup & Wife's Gear: D5500 & Sony HX50V | 18-140 AF-S ED VR DX, 55-300 AF-S G VR DX |
    |SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
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