Several folks were discussing tripods, heads, etc. For many years I used Manfrotto heads and the RC-2 and RC-3 clamps and plates. However, the difficulty I had was the two were not interchangeable. And the "L" plate for a camera body was not efficient. Thus, i made a decision to switch to the Arca Swiss style clamps while adding the appropriate "L" plate to the camera. All turned out fairly well. One of the heads was a new SIRUI which I rotated the clamp by 90° as originally supplied the tilt was right to left and I wanted fore and aft. Here are the conversions, and one can see the various connection methods used for the heads.

Msmoto, mod
Edit: As Golf shows in the video he posted. I find it amusing that the RRS guy uses a Gitzo tripod.
That in itself was the kicker for me to go into this system. Gone are the days where I constantly have to tighten the release plate to the body and not to mention the scratches it causes to the bottom of the camera when it rotates lose.
@adamz & PB_PM As I have said before, Gitzo makes great tripods and monopods, Hence, why I own their monopod. But when it came to tripods, I personally felt that the RRS tripods addressed my needs better. As for pricing, they are not that far apart from each other when you look at the two companies. One thing to keep in mind, you will have a very very hard time trying to find a used RRS tripod. Not to many owner will part with their line of products. They are a keeper.
D7000 35 1.8G ISO 1000 @ f/5.6
So, the next piece of equipment I purchase, be it a ball head, tripod, or whatever RRS has, I will no doubt it from them. You should send the video to them as you are far more appealing than Joe Johnson...
D7000 35 1.8G 1/2500 ISO 100 @ f/2.5
Thank for the kind words on my looks
That's cute, Golf, especially eating the hex/allen key, yummy.
Msmoto, why aren't you using the Manfrotto grip 322RC? Too less elegant, too much to carry around? handmuscles got tired? Just guessing, these are my reasons
to leave it at homepretend, to have forgotten it again.The Manfrotto Grip is actually a very nice piece of equipment. And it has seen its use on three occasions at the NAIAS with a D90 and a D200 using the 12-24mm DX Nikkor. Currently, my plan is to use the D4 on the monopod, and the weight is getting marginal w/ the 24mm f/1.4 nikkor mounted. It will also be used with the D4 and 10.5mm f/2.8.
Although the photographer could have problems with people looking at him as if he had two purple chimpanzees on his shoulders.