Agreed. I know it's not a strict apples-to-apple comparison, but look at the price difference between the D3s and D4, or the 80-400 and 80-400 AF-S. Or look at the price difference between the D7000 and the D7100. I'm guessing north of $2,200, probably closer to $2,400.
+1 and totally agree with your price range.
D750 & D7100 | 24-70 F2.8 G AF-S ED, 70-200 F2.8 AF VR, TC-14E III, TC-1.7EII, 35 F2 AF D, 50mm F1.8G, 105mm G AF-S VR | Backup & Wife's Gear: D5500 & Sony HX50V | 18-140 AF-S ED VR DX, 55-300 AF-S G VR DX | |SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
This thread seems to have slipped… even with the D9300 rumors…. As we see more new mirrorless bodies, the Leica contribution recently, it would seem Nikon either will get on the ball and introduce a pro level crop sensor camera or they will lose folks to the high end mirrorless crowd who wish a smaller crop sensor body.
Given by the time you have added a view finder and a M to T adaptor it would be more expensive the a D800 and only 2 dedicated lenses available, I cannot those who are still waiting for the D400 rushing out to but one
Given only 2 dedicated lenses and by the time you have added a view finder and a M to T adaptor, it would be more expensive than a D800. I cannot see Nikon losing many sales to those who are still waiting for the D400
I would be happy to see a D9300, whether it is mirrorless, pro-body style or prosumer style. In fact, I am very attracted to purchasing a D7100 and the belief that something even better will soon be available keeps me from doing so. I have a D7000 and as a general rule of thumb I feel it is more worthwhile to make purchases which are two generations or two levels apart because one level or one generation apart isn't enough difference to justify the price. At the other end of the DX line, I am also very attracted to purchasing a D3300 just to see how much use can be found in a small DSLR and only the prospect of a rumored DX body below the D3300 keeps me from doing so. These rumors are great! They keep me from spending money on camera's I really don't need. I am also highly attracted to buying a used or refurbished D4 and no rumors of a better body keep me from doing so. The cost vs need equation keeps me from making that purchase. I keep watching prices for a D3 fall on e-bay but I also keep thinking a new D9300 will be a better camera than a used D3. My guess is the best Nikon DX bodies will now produce better images than Nikon's first generation of FX bodies.
As to whether that D9300 should have the pro user interface or the prosumer user interface is making less and less difference to me. Just keep improving that image quality.
So ... even with the D9300 rumor, people simply don't have the energy to pick up again and repeat everything one more time:-) This is a good thing, really.
I don't know if this is the place for asking ... does it make sense to release BOTH a D7200 and a D9300 within a few months? I know, both rumors are still very weak, but IF a 9300 is on its way, and given the qualities of the 7100, why on earth would Nikon release a 7200 now? Wouldn't it simply steal 50% of the 9300 buyers? (And btw, if 9300 is really the new name, then 7200 should be called 7300, eh?)
Given the very odd numbering of the 9300 and the rumor might well have been meant to be released a day earlier, on April Fools Day . My bet is on just a D7200 and may be a D800s; both with EXPEED 4
Nah, seven is wriggling alright, he said never and as for D9300/D400, we all knew it was 'D400' not D400. D9300 does make some sense, and sense needed making of the numbering system. Personally I think it should have been D310, but whatever, we all know it is a D400 on NR.
Just been looking at this thread. Interesting to see mention of the Leica T. A year or so ago I wrote (either here or on DPReview) that I wanted a camera that had the simplicity of the menu system as used on the Leica S3 (as I called it). It is nice to see Leica have improved upon that with the Leica T.
The simple, yet functional, interface makes me very interested in the camera system. I really do hope that other organisations are able to learn from this example.
I agree that there are a lack of lenses, but please remember there is an adaptor that allows for other lenses to fit and to work with the camera. The M lenses are also rather good. There will be further lenses released in a relatively short time. The lenses are (I have read) an 11 - 23mm f/3.5 - f4.5 lens and a 55 - 130mm f/3.5 - f4.5 lens.
Hval ____________________
Owner of an extremely high quality Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth
There is no articulating LCD screen on the D800, D4, D4s, and any other pro camera. Although the D9300 carries the numbering scheme for an amateur camera, it will not make an appearance on the D9300. The D9300 will be positioned as a Pro & Advanced Amateur DSLR. You would not expect the flip screen on that camera.
The flip screen is only on the D5000 series DSLR camera body. It could appear on the D7200 but I would not bet $$$$ on it,
D750 & D7100 | 24-70 F2.8 G AF-S ED, 70-200 F2.8 AF VR, TC-14E III, TC-1.7EII, 35 F2 AF D, 50mm F1.8G, 105mm G AF-S VR | Backup & Wife's Gear: D5500 & Sony HX50V | 18-140 AF-S ED VR DX, 55-300 AF-S G VR DX | |SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
If the Canon rumors of the 7D MKII are anywhere near correct, Canon will set the bar very high for Nikon to compete. The existing 7D wipes the floor with the D7xxx when it comes to frame rate and buffer capabilities. These are aspects where Nikon simply must put out a competitive product.
My friend has the 7D and because there is a fair bit of friendly competition between us, I feel qualified to say the 7D has some great features on the interface, a quieter shutter, much better fps for BIF and sport, possibly better AF tracking and bigger buffer, but the D7100's IQ beats the 7D by miles.
I keep coming back to that also; almost across the board Nikon IQ beats Cannon significantly. You would think more people would start switching over to Nikon.
|SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
So, as the D300s replacement, D9300, let's go….
and only 2 dedicated lenses available, I cannot those who are still waiting for the D400 rushing out to but one
As to whether that D9300 should have the pro user interface or the prosumer user interface is making less and less difference to me. Just keep improving that image quality.
This is a good thing, really.
I don't know if this is the place for asking ... does it make sense to release BOTH a D7200 and a D9300 within a few months?
I know, both rumors are still very weak, but IF a 9300 is on its way, and given the qualities of the 7100, why on earth would Nikon release a 7200 now?
Wouldn't it simply steal 50% of the 9300 buyers?
(And btw, if 9300 is really the new name, then 7200 should be called 7300, eh?)
Sigma 70-200/2.8, 105/2.8
Nikon 50/1.4G, 18-200, 80-400G
1 10-30, 30-110
Do you want any sauce on your hat when you have to eat it?
The simple, yet functional, interface makes me very interested in the camera system. I really do hope that other organisations are able to learn from this example.
I agree that there are a lack of lenses, but please remember there is an adaptor that allows for other lenses to fit and to work with the camera. The M lenses are also rather good. There will be further lenses released in a relatively short time. The lenses are (I have read) an 11 - 23mm f/3.5 - f4.5 lens and a 55 - 130mm f/3.5 - f4.5 lens.
Owner of an extremely high quality Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth
|SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
They want to put an articulating screen on it, and "D400" would be far too pro for that.
Sigma 70-200/2.8, 105/2.8
Nikon 50/1.4G, 18-200, 80-400G
1 10-30, 30-110
The flip screen is only on the D5000 series DSLR camera body. It could appear on the D7200 but I would not bet $$$$ on it,
|SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
there is more to life than fps and buffer capabilities