


  • snakebunksnakebunk Posts: 993Member
    Ok, thanks. I don't shoot jpeg so I don't know, but we only have rumored specs so far. Lets hope there are other improvements as well.
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,451Member
    Well henrick the D800 is the worst camera I ever bought ..Noisy and with those horrible menus ..the only way I can use it is in A mode with a 14mm and all the control dials taped up ...I dont want to interact with my camera ,its just a thing on the end of my arm and I just want a faithfull representation of what I put in front of it .
    How different we all are in what we want.
  • henrik1963henrik1963 Posts: 567Member
    Look at it this way: Once we were interacting with our computers via DOS = not easy to learn and a lot of work. Then came windows and mac - way better way to interact with your computer. IOS and to some extent Android is an even more intuitive way of interacting with a computer.

    I think Nikon is still at the DOS level.

    The problem is not what their cameras can't do. The problem is, that it is very difficult and non-intuitive to get the camera to do what you want. And most of the time you need a lot of time in front of a computer to get half way decent pictures out in the other end.

    Fuji is at the beginning of windows - win 3.11 to dos :-)

    It is OK with more MP, FPS, DR and all the rest - but make life easier for the photographer.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Bring on the D850 - I am not a hater.
  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,886Member
    Agreed, a better user interface is needed. Thom Hogan has been talking about this for years.
  • DenverShooterDenverShooter Posts: 416Member

    Agreed, a better user interface is needed. Thom Hogan has been talking about this for years.

    Might want to try Canon 5D to see what a truly user hostile menu system looks like..

    Denver Shooter
  • Capt_SpauldingCapt_Spaulding Posts: 758Member
    I don't want to try one that's worse, I'd like to buy one that's better. I've thought about getting into a higher res camera, but 1) my D7200 and D610 are better cameras than I am a photographer and 2) I've looked at the D8xx menu system and, at this point, I'll pass.
  • autofocusautofocus Posts: 625Member
    edited July 2017
    The tilt screen is enough for me to purchase. I have a D500 and find that it is extremely handy in so many situations. I also have a D810. I'll keep it as a High Res backup. The D850 with tilt screen and same ergonomics as my D500 and D5 will make the perfect trio.
    Post edited by autofocus on
  • egosbaregosbar Posts: 65Member
    be nice if they had memory banks that actually remember all settings
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    'Even faster than 8fps'? Wow. I reckon that means it may be still 36 or at most 46Mp. Obviously I am guessing, but more than 8fps at 36Mp is a lot of data to process. Beginning to sound like a camera with identity problems. Landscapers/studio shooters won't want to pay for that speed.
    Always learning.
  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,886Member
    "Landscapers/studio shooters won't want to pay for that speed." Right, and what is the extra cost of buffer memory for that speed? Maybe $400? I think landscape/studio photographers would much rather have increased dynamic range with a native ISO of 50 or 25. Second choice would be 50 or 60 megapixels. I put increased dynamic range first because that can help in every photo whereas increased pixels help only when printing larger than poster size. Looking forward to an announcement soon.
  • henrik1963henrik1963 Posts: 567Member
    spraynpray: Or it is 9fps - but only for half a second :-)
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    I suspect the speed boost comes from the move to XQD, and faster processing rather than a huge increase in buffer capacity, but I could be wrong.
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • retreadretread Posts: 574Member
    The second card should be XQD if the speed is important. SD card will write slower in backup mode. XQD cards will clear the buffer faster.
  • snakebunksnakebunk Posts: 993Member
    I hope for CFExpress. XQD is already old I fear.
  • MegapixelSchnitzelMegapixelSchnitzel Posts: 185Member
    Tattooed Ken-the-angry says (no, guarantees) that The D850 will sacrifice DR for speed. He swears it will not be as good as the D800/810 - except that it will be a low-light speed demon. And he says we're all going to be disappointed. We might as well just chuck this thread and move along. Nothing to see here!
  • MegapixelSchnitzelMegapixelSchnitzel Posts: 185Member


    Doesn't anybody remember when the D800 came out and how outraged people were when their lenses were no longer sharp enough? 60Mp is likely to start that all over again isn't it? My guess is that less Mp than that is more likely.

    What I've noticed with my D810 is this: I can get a sharper, higher resolution image than I ever could with my D2Xs - BUT I have to work at it a bit harder. I have to stabilize my camera more carefully, watch my technique and be a lot more deliberate when shooting. It was a whole lot easier to grab a "sharp" shot with 12MP than it is with 36.3. My lenses are just fine. I had to change.
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,451Member
    edited July 2017
    Lets not forget the little lever /whatever on the side of the 850 prism...whats it for ?
    Now you would not put it there if you needed an electronic action or menu control ..so is it a lever/mechanical button ? and what would you need to move in a prism and what would you need to change the prism profile to acomodate .... perhaps the fat lady has not yet sung ( or the fat photographer )
    Post edited by Pistnbroke on
  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,886Member
    edited July 2017
    Pistnbroke: could be an antenna or light for the radio flash system. When you use the current plug in dongle for the radio flash system you get a red/orange light when the flashes have not connected with the camera and a green light when they have connected. Same on the SB-5000 units. They display red/orange when not connected to the camera and green when connected. If radio control is built into the D850 where will that connection signal light be placed? On the side of the pentaprism would be a convenient place because it would be easy to notice. That may be what that bump is for. I will cast my vote for the bump being the connected/not connected light for a built in radio flash control and not a switch controlling a EVF/OVF. But of course, I don't know. No one does. Maybe we all will know some time in September.
    Post edited by donaldejose on
  • retreadretread Posts: 574Member
    Humm, If this is a baby D5 is it the D500 sensor in FX size? I always thought the D500 was the baby D5. I am hoping for a big brother to the D810, Not a little brother to the D5.

    D500's baby brother is a D7500 and D5's baby brother is a D850 guess that is how it works.
  • rmprmp Posts: 586Member
    Nikon's naming sucks.
    Robert M. Poston: D4, D810, V3, 14-24 F2.8, 24-70 f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, 80-400, 105 macro.
  • snakebunksnakebunk Posts: 993Member
    It sounds amazing with 10 fps and 46 mp. I wonder who would by the D5 after that?
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    edited August 2017
    Anyone who shoots sports for news media. They don't need the resolution, and the D5 is faster yet anyway.
    Post edited by PB_PM on
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • If true, the d850 rumored spec is not what the doctor ordered. Dont need the speed and if DR is compromised by use of d5 sensor, I may be moving elsewhere to find that ideal landscape camera. I suppose I can wait for mirrorless option, but if Nikon is limited to the d5 sensor, then what's the point? Putting all of their remaining eggs in one basket is the outcome with this d5x. One can only be so patient.

    Would prefer an enhanced d810 with 60+ MPs, slightly improved DR, cleaner images to iso 3200, and perhaps multishot stacking capability to increase file size without using stitching software. A dream perhaps not realizable by any manufactorer anytime soon if ever.

    I like the resolution and look of the Canon 50mp camera files; yet the DR is limited. So where to look? For my style, not to MF. GFX and X1D are viable options except that you dont have TS lenses available. So what you gain in image quality with MF you lose in DOF. So except with superwides you are forced to use stacking S/W. Dont want to spend more time at the computer working on images.
  • paulrpaulr Posts: 1,176Member
    The D850 clearly will not make everybody happy, and as usual the mourners will continue to slate Nikon. However in real terms, if you are committed to Nikon Lenses and other add on's, moving ship would be a extremely expensive, not impossible, but costly.The temptation to go Medium Format is always looming but cost ,limitation of use, hold most of us back. Whatever Nikon Produces it will be a improvement on the current model. Lets just hope it ticks most of the boxes.
    Camera, Lens and Tripod and a few other Bits
  • egosbaregosbar Posts: 65Member
    i cant really believe many people need 50 plus megapixels the size of the file and speed of computer needed to handle this size file turns me off, give me one - two stops better iso then the d810 focus like the d500 at the same res as d810 and 8 frames per second and id be sold , seriously how many of us blow up pics bigger then 16-24 dam my d500 can do that as could cameras a long time ago , we are extremely spoilt these days thats for sure, ill wait one to two years and possibly buy a d850 for 500-1k less or ill wait another year and buy a nice d810 cheap to go with my d500 and seriously why cant nikon fix the dam memory banks they suck to be honest
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