Z6 ii and Z7 ii



  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member

    Wouldn't we have to spend some time with a new Canon body and a few lenses to have a educated opinion as to a valid comparison between them and a new Nikon? Seems logical we would have to have that "real word" experience with both to have a valid opinion. I don't have that experience and think perhaps no one here does. Ken Rockwell does. Shouldn't that count for something?

    Does he though? He's done plenty of "reviews" based on looking over spec sheets and obviously not having anything in hand.
    tc88 said:

    @donaldejose, you have to look at someone's track record. If someone has been talking BS for years, my expectation is that the next article he writes will also be BS, whether he has all the equipment or not.

    Yep. And it's been clear for a long time now that he doesn't value ultimate performance. He's kind of a Consumer Reports of camera reviews.
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,451Member
    The proof of the pudding is in the eating and it's still in the oven till mid-November.
  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,887Member
    Correct. It is like the D5 vs D6 debate. Not much change on the spec sheet so why buy? But actual users report a significant improvement in real world use justifying the upgrade for many. Look at it this way, just what is that extra Expeed processor doing? Must be something. Likely it is providing an improved user experiences but we will have to wait to see. I decided to order one. Cannot get over the fact that two processors must be better than one processor.
  • tc88tc88 Posts: 537Member
    @donaldejose, what about "the weakest link in my system is me, not my Nikon equipment"? Just teasing. :smile: You are getting a Z6ii or Z7ii? What's the plan on the current Z6 you have?
  • photobunnyphotobunny Posts: 655Member
    @donaldejose so far it seems that extra processor put a rocket up the behind of the AF system.
  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,887Member
    tc88. Yes, the weakest link is still me. I will see if the Z6 II is much different but that difference won't make me a better photographer. Perhaps I can take bad photos faster or good photos faster but the difference between bad and good will still be me. I have no real need for it and no expectation for it improving my photography. Just interested in seeing if it significantly improves on the Z6. I still shoot at times with a D700 or D3s because it interests me. You can get a D700 for about $350 now on ebay and it is one tank of a camera for that price; so much better than buying a D3500. I like to experience how things work and collect milestone bodies to experience the differences. It is amazing how good the D700 and D3s still are as long as you have strong light and you are not going to print larger than 8x10. They are so cheap now you can buy them just for fun if you spend some time on ebay waiting for one in good condition. I will keep the Z6 for the time being. If someone here wants it they can let me know. I had been using it with constant LED lighting at about ISO 2000 because it had very good IQ at higher ISOs and I like composing with a what you see is what you get EVF when using constant light. but the Z6 II will be the same there so I wouldn't need the Z6 anymore.

    photobunny: yes, that is what I have heard, better AF but also deeper buffer or faster unloading to removable media. I doubt either of those two factors will make any difference to me. Maybe with one exception. I have not used my Z6 for fast moving subjects like sports. I have been using my D500 for that thinking its AF was better suited for such work. which is what I have often read. Maybe the Z6 II will equal the D500 AF? We will see.
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,451Member
    The only review showing how the "upgraded" autofocus works was by Kwi the Digirev Guy. Shot in london with a pre production Z7ii. The eye focus was impressive on humans up to say 20 ft so I can see why it would be a problem for eye focus on BIF
  • photobunnyphotobunny Posts: 655Member

    The only review showing how the "upgraded" autofocus works was by Kwi the Digirev Guy. Shot in london with a pre production Z7ii. The eye focus was impressive on humans up to say 20 ft so I can see why it would be a problem for eye focus on BIF

    There are a few more videos if you expand your search a wee bit, especially non English.

    The only issue I see with BIF is that they haven't said they do more animals yet. Nikon where first or at least one of the first for animal eye AF. But it doesn't cover as many species as the R5, certainly not birds yet as far as I know. I expect at least one big firmware update with all kinds of eye detection. Canon surprised everyone with something that even picks up bugs eyes.
  • rmprmp Posts: 586Member
    The new Nikon lenses are the best ever. Cannon and Sony will need to play leapfrog. Now, about that focusing issue...
    Robert M. Poston: D4, D810, V3, 14-24 F2.8, 24-70 f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, 80-400, 105 macro.
  • SearcySearcy Posts: 817Member
    When the Z6II finally shows up at LensRentals.com I think I'll rent one and see if the new features are worth the upgrade. I will say that the price is impressive but there would have to be a very big reason for me to trade my Z6 for a new Z6II.
  • photobunnyphotobunny Posts: 655Member
    Searcy said:

    When the Z6II finally shows up at LensRentals.com I think I'll rent one and see if the new features are worth the upgrade. I will say that the price is impressive but there would have to be a very big reason for me to trade my Z6 for a new Z6II.

    I think it'll depend on what you are shooting. I have zero issues using the Z6 for wildlife and will only want to upgrade when the Z6II gets more animals for the eye AF as the improved processing is just making tracking, face, and eye detection markably better. As I don't shoot people, it doesn't matter that it can now lock onto a persons face and eye as good as a Canon, humans aren't interesting subjects.
  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
    Searcy said:

    When the Z6II finally shows up at LensRentals.com I think I'll rent one and see if the new features are worth the upgrade. I will say that the price is impressive but there would have to be a very big reason for me to trade my Z6 for a new Z6II.

    That's a great plan - please let us know what you think. It will be very nice to hear the opinion of an actual photographer who has used Z6 extensively.
  • rmprmp Posts: 586Member
    Which cards should I use?
    In slot 1 -- should I use an XQD or CompactFlash E? I have an XQD reader. Does an CFe need a new reader?
    In slot 2 -- which SD?
    Robert M. Poston: D4, D810, V3, 14-24 F2.8, 24-70 f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, 80-400, 105 macro.
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    edited October 2020
    Slot 1: CFexpress card

    XQD is kind of a dead end card with no future. That's why those of us with XQD slot cameras really want CFexpress update for our cameras that Nikon promised. CFexpress requires a different card reader, unless you bought a hybrid model.

    Slot 2: The fastest writing SD card you can afford. If you are using the second card for backup, that will slow both slots down to the speed of your SD card.
    Post edited by PB_PM on
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
    PB_PM said:

    XQD is kind of a dead end card with no future.

    Yep. OT, but I'm wondering how long Nikon will continue XQD support on new models. I think at least through the third gen Z6/Z7 and first gen Z8+. After that? Hopefully but who knows.

  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,451Member
    Slot 2: The fastest writing SD card you can afford. If you are using the second card for backup, that will slow both slots down to the speed of your SD card.

    So you might as well use the XQD card you already have.
  • rmprmp Posts: 586Member
    OK. Forward to CFe and SDxc. Thanks.
    Robert M. Poston: D4, D810, V3, 14-24 F2.8, 24-70 f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, 80-400, 105 macro.
  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
    Yes to SDxc - you will want a UHSii card to get the most speed.
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member

    Slot 2: The fastest writing SD card you can afford. If you are using the second card for backup, that will slow both slots down to the speed of your SD card.

    So you might as well use the XQD card you already have.

    Huh? There is only one XQD/CFexpress slot, you can’t use two of them. The above only applies if you are using the second slot for backup. And yes rmp can use an XQD if he has one, but he was talking about future purchases.
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • rmprmp Posts: 586Member
    Yes.. I have a z7 and I use XQD cars in its' single slot. I have ordered a Z6 II and I was asking about the two card slots it it.
    Robert M. Poston: D4, D810, V3, 14-24 F2.8, 24-70 f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, 80-400, 105 macro.
  • photobunnyphotobunny Posts: 655Member
    rmp said:

    Yes.. I have a z7 and I use XQD cars in its' single slot. I have ordered a Z6 II and I was asking about the two card slots it it.

    Just try the card(s) you have in the Z6II. Likely a CF Express card is needed for full speed on its own. But you should get somewhere with a XQD, and it is unknown how much a SD card will slow it down.
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,451Member
    So from the above its nice to know that I am not as stupid as some of you think I am
  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,887Member
    Yes the latest and greatest card formats will maximize the speed but lets be sane for a moment. You will have a big buffer. Will you really be needing the maximum speed the camera can produce? Will you really be hitting the buffer limitation if you use an XQD card instead of a CFExpress card in Slot 1? Probably not unless you are shooting moving objects at maximum many fps with long bursts. For more normal shooting the buffer will likely clear sufficiently even if you are not using the latest and greatest cards. I plan on using existing XQD cards in my Z6II when it arrives and just ordered an SD UHS II card (250 mb per second) for the second slot since the SD card would otherwise be the slower of the two cards. I will see how it goes. I would be surprised if that isn't fast enough for me.
  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
    I believe even a UHS ii SD card will be slower than G type XQD. Agree it shouldn't really be a problem with the bigger buffer and especially if you only use XQD/CFe.

    I am curious how much faster (if any) CFe will be vs. XQD on the new models.
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,451Member
    I note that there are third party grips for the Z6/7 with release button.I hope these will fit the Z7ii and certainly at the price put a hole in Nikons sale of MB=10
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