Will there Be a Professional DX Body From Nikon?



  • rbrylawskirbrylawski Posts: 222Member
    No offense PitchBlack, but "Methinks thou dost protest too much." For someone who thinks this thread is a waste of time and does nothing to promote photography, you have the highest post count in this thread. It might do what you hope, which is die if you just ignored it.
    Nikon D7100; AF-S DX 35mm f1.8; AF-S DX Macro 40mm f2.8; AF-S DX 18-200mm VRII; SB-700 Speed Light and a bunch of other not very noteworthy stuff......
  • IronheartIronheart Posts: 3,017Moderator
    Perhaps what @PitchBlack is saying, is if you have found something new to say or substantive to contribute, that hasn't already been said in the past 38 pages of this thread, or the 100's of other pages on similar threads, by all means, enlighten us.

    For me, I like to deal in factual information, perhaps combining several existing technologies and capabilities, and look at what may be possible. Others like to put together wish lists, and flights of fancy. I think the latter is what is driving Mr Black into apoplectic fits, and causing visions of consuming reproductive organs of equally mythologic creatures. Proceed at your own risk :-)
  • rbrylawskirbrylawski Posts: 222Member
    This thread and it's ancestors have a pedigree older than most breeding stock of bulls. It's time that it ends. Every thread becomes about this crap. As I've said, I'll stop posting when the ProDX zealots stop posting. Simple. I'm just here to make sure we don't actually talk about a ProDX.
    But don't you see that your efforts are not producing your desired result? The best way for a thread to die, is to stop posting in it.
    Nikon D7100; AF-S DX 35mm f1.8; AF-S DX Macro 40mm f2.8; AF-S DX 18-200mm VRII; SB-700 Speed Light and a bunch of other not very noteworthy stuff......
  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    So, no differing opinions are allowed in your world? Why should anyone care if someone else chooses to believe Nikon will build a pro DX? If they wish to post speculations on this forum, why should they not be allowed to? Freedom of speech is the first amendment of our US constitution, we hold that right dearly. Don't like this thread, scroll on by, its not that hard.
    Not sure that this thread is intended for US users only but you can ask the mods about that. Also, as an admirer of the US constitution, I am also pretty sure that it does not apply to a private enterprise restricting free speech rights in the course of its business. As an example, if I don't like what you are saying in my US house, I can order you to leave, constitution be damned with no legal recourse for you. But let's assume that the constitution did apply here. It seems to me that Pitchblack is exercising his first amendment rights, misguided or not, if somewhat vigorously and counterintuitively. Free speech is not worth anything if the speech of those that most offend you is not vigorously defended.

    As much as I enjoyed engaging in this thread (usually to argue that a ProDX is a fantasy) and all the other threads this subject pops up in, I am sympathetic to Pitchblack's perspective because there are a small minority of users (no slight to the users, I enjoy their discourse) that give this topic much more weight than it deserves. This thread or thread's like it have been at the top of the list for years. The mods killed the last one. I also worry that people that are less knowledgeable about the issues may start to believe that a pro-dx is coming and make purchase decisions accordingly.

    And I do believe that Pitchblack has demonstrated another point. There has been little or no discussion about pro-dx since he started his campaign. Similarly, pro-dx/D400 discussions have often inhibited other discussions in my view.

    Personally, I don't mind this discussion and would be content if it was labelled "fantasy cameras" (just like my hoped for Nikon MF DSLR) and the forum was tweaked so that it was never in the first 10 (probably not technically possible). Perhaps the mods could close this thread, open another one labelled "D400s and other fantasies" and ensure that fantasies remain in that thread.
  • rbrylawskirbrylawski Posts: 222Member
    I commented a couple days ago, that NRF doesn't do a particularly good job of segregating threads. I'm on a number of forums on a number of topics, which all uniformly keep threads in sections. No one thread ever stays at the top as there are well defined sub-forums. One of the threads I frequent often is now over 1000 pages, yet one would never notice that unless one was a poster in that sub-forum.

    Maybe it's time NRF made some changes to this forum?
    Nikon D7100; AF-S DX 35mm f1.8; AF-S DX Macro 40mm f2.8; AF-S DX 18-200mm VRII; SB-700 Speed Light and a bunch of other not very noteworthy stuff......
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member

    Maybe it's time NRF made some changes to this forum?
    The chances of that are the same a the D400

    I'm on a number of forums on a number of topics, which all uniformly keep threads in sections.

    And on most well moderated forums PitchBlack would not be allowed the about of flaming he is posting

  • rbrylawskirbrylawski Posts: 222Member
    I'm not sure he would be moderated much on the other forums. Posts or members are deleted only when they post something mean or nasty/innapropriate. PitchBlack has not done that. Instead he has shouted over and over his wish to see this thread die. Unfortunately, in doing so he is keeping this thread alive, which if he was truly sincere in his mission, he'd simply stop posting.
    Nikon D7100; AF-S DX 35mm f1.8; AF-S DX Macro 40mm f2.8; AF-S DX 18-200mm VRII; SB-700 Speed Light and a bunch of other not very noteworthy stuff......
  • rbrylawskirbrylawski Posts: 222Member
    edited April 2015
    But don't you see PitchBlack, sometimes silence can be louder than shouts.

    However, in all honesty, I don't really have an issue with this thread or you continuing to post in it. I just think you protest too much about the thread.
    Post edited by rbrylawski on
    Nikon D7100; AF-S DX 35mm f1.8; AF-S DX Macro 40mm f2.8; AF-S DX 18-200mm VRII; SB-700 Speed Light and a bunch of other not very noteworthy stuff......
  • rbrylawskirbrylawski Posts: 222Member
    edited April 2015
    Shouting or mocking, I suppose is your choice. That said, there's no reason people shouldn't be able to continue discussing something they'd like to see, even if it never comes, or if it does, may or may not meet their hopes and desires. I haven't contributed to the wish list because my D7100 meets or more likely exceeds my elementary photographic skills. That doesn't mean I don't find it interesting to see what other people hope for. It's interesting. At least to me it is.

    Why does it annoy you so much? Is it that important that people agree with you?
    Post edited by rbrylawski on
    Nikon D7100; AF-S DX 35mm f1.8; AF-S DX Macro 40mm f2.8; AF-S DX 18-200mm VRII; SB-700 Speed Light and a bunch of other not very noteworthy stuff......
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    . You don't ignore a cancer, you cut it out.

    Yes but that is the Job of the Mods
    You are just feeding the trolls

  • rbrylawskirbrylawski Posts: 222Member
    Which is why I said a few posts back you've never written anything a moderator should need to censor. But it's no more your responsibility than it is mine to decide what other people should be doing with their time, nor is what has been or might be written in this thread going to truly influence others. Perhaps I give people more credit than they are due, but suspect most adults who stumble on this thread can clearly see the topic is about a mythical, yet desired camera which may never come. It's really up to them to draw their own conclusions how or when they choose to spend money on a camera system.
    Nikon D7100; AF-S DX 35mm f1.8; AF-S DX Macro 40mm f2.8; AF-S DX 18-200mm VRII; SB-700 Speed Light and a bunch of other not very noteworthy stuff......
  • rbrylawskirbrylawski Posts: 222Member
    edited April 2015
    And with that I say adieu. I really don't have a need to desire tro debate you. I do have other things going in my life that are more important to deal with than debating the merits of posting in a thread about a mystical camera.

    I'll leave it to you PB to moderate this thread as it seems you have decided that's your job at this time.

    Cheers to all and a Happy Easter/Passover.
    Post edited by rbrylawski on
    Nikon D7100; AF-S DX 35mm f1.8; AF-S DX Macro 40mm f2.8; AF-S DX 18-200mm VRII; SB-700 Speed Light and a bunch of other not very noteworthy stuff......
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    but suspect most adults who stumble on this thread can clearly see the topic is about a mythical, yet desired camera which may never come.
    I think PB is saying, with a degree of truth. The entire forum is danger of becoming about mythical beasts and absolutely nothing about Nikon or Photography
  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    It annoys me because it was annoying, then funny, then ridiculous, but then the joke got old. When the D7200 thread turned into the "this is not the proDX I wanted and here's why" I decided that the stupidity had to end. Besides, as has been said, these threads keep perhaps some novices and people who don't know any better thinking that they should hold out for this camera that has no signs of existing. This thread performs a disservice to them and, honestly, to the people writing it, who should be doing other stuff. I am currently between clients and have time to mock. And mocking and screaming are definitely not the same thing. I have never resorted to "well oh yeah! says you!" or anything quite so pedestrian.
    This D7200 example is good example. Even the DF thread is filled with "but this is not the D400 irrelevance". I found this annoying because I wanted to talk about the DF, not the D400.

    While I am not sure I buy into Pitchblack's tactics, I do agree with his sentiment. Even then, maybe I do appreciate his tactics.

    Pitchblack cares enough about Nikon Rumours to make this effort and even stake his own credibility on it. I don't see him serving his own interests here, but the interests of the forum. Agree or disagree with his argument or approach, his heart is in the right place, and that makes him a friend of Nikon Rumours in my view.
  • snakebunksnakebunk Posts: 993Member
    @PitchBlack: Isn't the D4s pretty close to a pro df camera?
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    edited April 2015
    I have been thinking about the Pro DX camera.. from Nikon .. we know that the D7200 is the Nikon DX with the highest spec. and the hoped for Pro DX would be higher. Which other DX sensor cameras would be considered a Pro DX, and thus better than the D7200 in some way. Of course we have the Canon 7dm2 .. any others? why do you consider it to be better than the D7200?

    lets start with the obvious one
    1) Canon 7dM2 : Better build. faster FPS (10 vs 6) .. anything else ? heavier? :-)
    This is a discussion I am keen to talk about but it was totally over run a dozen or so of off topic rants

    I disagree with the last few dozen post of anti ProDx Discussion comments..

    There is no doubt that there is a market for a ProDX camera, as shown by the presence of the Canon 7Dm2.
    What I was trying to gauge before all this anti ProDx rants that has hijacked this thread,
    was what other manufacturers have put in their products that you would consider a ProDX and with that we can gauge if the D7200 is actually within this class of products.

    Now if you anti ProDx Discussion commenters want to ridicule that then that's up to you .. I am keen to continue this thread as stated in the title.. if the Mods think the hijacking of this thread is valid then its up to them. I would say we need another tread to discuss how tolerant we are of thread hijackers.

    Post edited by heartyfisher on
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • Terry7732Terry7732 Posts: 14Member
    edited April 2015
    PitchBlack said
    The D7200 destroys the 7D2 on image quality.
    That's a rather sweeping statement, on what is it based. I don't recollect anyone doing an in depth comparison between the two.
    Post edited by Terry7732 on
  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    It is amazing how folks can argue about how to run a forum, yet offer no content in relationship to the subject of the thread. And, that is

    Will there Be a Professional DX Body From Nikon?

    Maybe we should just try to keep our comments on topic, not get into a contest to see who has the loudest voice or biggest ego.
    Msmoto, mod
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited April 2015
    It is amazing how folks can argue about how to run a forum, yet offer no content in relationship to the subject of the thread. And, that is

    Will there Be a Professional DX Body From Nikon?

    Maybe we should just try to keep our comments on topic, not get into a contest to see who has the loudest voice or biggest ego
    A simple question that has been answered a 100 times

    At the risk of repeating myself

    very very unlikely

    Quite simply a Pro Dx is an oxymoron

    Canon don't make one and nether will Nikon

    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • proudgeekproudgeek Posts: 1,422Member
    Just put an order in for a pro-style DX. Shoots about 7 frames a second (which isn't bad); has group AF, native ISO up to 12,800, accommodates both an SD and CF card, Expeed 4 processor. The only drawback is that it only shoots 16mb images. If I can remove that D810 emblem off and write D400 in its place in crayon I should be all set.
  • SportsSports Posts: 365Member
    A simple question that has been answered a 100 times.
    I agree.
    Quite simply a Pro Dx is an oxymoron.
    Canon don't make one and nether will Nikon.
    Are you kidding? In 2014 Canon announced exactly the kind of camera we're talking about. Its DR sucks at low ISO (because it's a Canon :-) ), but build quality, fps, AF performance, buffer are spot on. Its button layout mimics their 5D (more expense FX). It has features (proper, useful fetaures) that not even their 6000$ 1Dx has. And it sells at less than 1800 $. (Yeah, sorry, but it sounded like you didn't know.)
    I'm not saying this proves that Nikon will build one. But ignoring its existance is just wrong.
    - And, no, I don't have enough money to switch system every time Nikon or Canon move ahead of the other. I just hope competition between them will continue, and benefit us all.
    D300, J1
    Sigma 70-200/2.8, 105/2.8
    Nikon 50/1.4G, 18-200, 80-400G
    1 10-30, 30-110
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    You will be misses please let me know ( by PM) were you are going

  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited April 2015
    the kind of camera we're talking about.

    No No No a thousand times no
    it is the sort of camera YOU are talking about
    everyone else wants something slightly different

    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    You will be misses please let me know ( by PM) were you are going

    Ditto for me.
  • Capt_SpauldingCapt_Spaulding Posts: 758Member
    @pitchblack. I'm new here and have been consistently impressed by and benefitted from your contributions. I have to say while I have watched the proceedings in this thread with some amusement and agree with some to much of what you've said, I fear you have taken it far more seriously than it deserves. I hope you'll reconsider and avoid the thread, not the forum.
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