
  • manhattanboymanhattanboy Posts: 1,003Member
    @mhedges great observation on the focus point scaling. I read the Nikon brochure and sure enough it looks like they have scaled both AF systems to cover exactly 90% of the frame. More surprising was the fact that the Z6 had a better sensitivity for low light focusing down to -2EV, whereas the Z7 is only down to -1EV.

    It’s looking like the Z6 is likely the better choice of the two and given the similar or even on paper better AF system, it makes the Z7 seem way overpriced. Nikon has to be crazy to think the MP difference between the two cameras is worth $1400. null
  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    mhedges said:

    Well I would say the Z6 is the straight up mirrorless D750, and the Z7 is more like the mirrorless D750r. The D850 has lots of advantages over the D750 other than resolution (AF, touchscreen, controls, metering, convenience stuff, etc.). The only advantage to the Z7 is resolution, and its actually a step back in some other areas.

    I think you could split the price difference ($2700 or so) and it would be justified. The current premium is just too much.

    Well, I would reserve that judgement until I try it. I do think that your comparison is sensible.
  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
    @manhattanboy Thanks!

    Yeah I (obviously) agree. Rockwell is saying that Nikon is delaying the Z6 on purpose to try to deflect buyers onto the Z7 - maybe that’s true, who knows. All I know is I ordered a Z6 on the 23rd and I’m still feeling OK about it but I’m glad we will have plenty of reviews of the Z7 when the time comes to pay for my Z6.
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,451Member
    On the bright side I hope the use of U123 is the end of pro controls. The one piece ali body with the electronics sliding in from one side looks innovative .Personally I don't like ali bodies as the paint always rubs off (wifes rings) but I could see a plastic version maybe with a F mount for the DX versions or do you think F has gone for ever on new bodies?
    The black out in silent mode is good as it would give confirmation that the shot was taken and at what Olympus gives a transient freeze frame in the viewfinder after each shot which is very useful.
    I think I see and eye sensor over the EVF..nobody has commented on that.

    Still wait and see for production version and firmware updates. Personally 2019 is my last wedding photo year so the D810/800 will soldier on and we will see where Nikon is by then.
  • If Nikon wants to support demand for a 2nd flash drive in the Z cameras nd not change the current design, they might consider integrating it into the yet to be introduced battery grip.
  • manhattanboymanhattanboy Posts: 1,003Member
    @mhedges good luck with the Z6; if I didn't already have an A9, that is the one I would order too. The Z7 is just way over priced. Personally I will wait for the second generation Z body from Nikon as the only reason I'd buy their mirrorless is to use my awesome Nikon teles on it. Thus far, the Z bodies AF are not up to that task.

    @tc88 I watched their review and I think it's fair. I've watched several of their other videos and they are very positive on the D850 and Chelsea shoots with the D850 preferentially, so I am inclined to trust their review more than those that are hyping up the Z cameras emotionally. IMHO you want someone to tell you all the bads of the camera, because those are the things that help you make rational buying decisions.
  • HikerHiker Posts: 197Member

    Hiker said:

    Hiker said:

    Hiker said:

    tc88 said:

    Hiker said:

    Some are getting upwards of 3000 + shots on the A7iii and still have 20% battery left.

    So now, all of a sudden, it's ok for a mirrorless camera to have poor battery life, and it's ok now to add a battery grip to extend battery life.

    First, not everyone is ok for a mirrorless to have poor battery life, maybe most people are not ok if they are used to battery life on a DSLR.

    Second, for mirrorless, it's not the # of shots that consumes the bulk of battery, it's the duration that you keep it on, point at things and the EVF and AF keeps on working that consume the battery. Sure, if you keep your finger on the A7 shutter continuously in an electrical shutter mode, I don't doubt you may be able to fire off 3k+ shots before it dies. That probably take you 20 minutes. But can your A7 last a whole day shooting if you use it constantly?
    My comment is based on past comments from the DSLR folk who dismissed mirrorless because of poor battery life and the need to add a grip with a second battery to come close to a DSLR. I feel into that crowd. NOW it's ok for Nikon's mirrorless to have a poor battery life and the CIPA ratings are not to be trusted. THAT was my point. And adding a grip to the "small" mirrorless was not ok then but ok now...hypocrisy at it's best.
    DSLR folk is plural and a big crowd. There may be some folk who dismissed mirrorless and some who think it is it is OK. Are you suggesting that these are the same people or that all "DSLR folk" are these people? Also "NOW it's ok for Nikon's mirrorless to have a poor battery life and the CIPA ratings are not to be trusted." doesn't make sense if you think about it. You have stated that either "some" or "all" people are hypocrites. Which one? Do you mind clarifying your statement. Thanks.
    Well, from the responses I'm reading on the Nikon forums most are hypocritical. Feel better by that statement? All that bashing, all that knocking Sony and others for the lack of many tech that the DSLR's had and mirrorless didn't. Now it's just fine and dandy?! And now the excuses are rolling out. One card slot was always in the first new set of cameras? Wow...I guess the one card slot debacle with the D7500 was swept under the rug. Old news...until yesterday. And I'm too old for English lessons so lighten up..
    But jeez, the Sony and Canon (well, maybe not the Canon as much, they are humble these days) are just as much idiots. Why don't we focus on photography and ignore the idiots. They are just noisy idiots distracting me from figuring out what gear I need next.
    Well, after years of DSLR folk (yeah, I said it again) bashing mirrorless, it's Sony's turn and deservedly so. Once again, it's ok for the lackluster Z6 & 7. Nikon had ONE JOB. To equal or exceed the A7iii. And they came out short. They rushed this camera out to try to stem the flow of people flocking to Sony, which is still happening btw, and other mirrorless cameras.
    Well, I suspect that most bashers on both sides would benefit from spending that time on improving their photography skills. Funny how most of them don't have portfolios worthy of mention.

    And even if the Z6 and Z7 is lacklustre, or perhaps on the expensive side is a better description, Nikon shooters can see the plan and that flow will be stopped providing the adapter works. That was job one, not equaling Sony in every way. For a more balanced perspective, go to:
    You seem to be missing my point. But that's not really surprising now is it?! Nikon rushed these cameras out. That's my opinion and the opinion of many others, including die hard Nikon users. Maybe, just maybe the new Nikons will be great. But with this big to do with a release, they should have had a camera in the hands of people that was going to be released to the masses. NOT preproduction. Nikons marketing is horrible. All they had to do was make enough cameras for the reveal that would show what this is capable of. Thinks might have been different in peoples responses. And again, after years of bashing mirrorless, the Nikon folk (yup, there it is again) have blinders on all of a sudden.
  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    edited August 2018
    I posted three comments on the blog and I will copy them here:

    I listened to Matt Granger's comments and they are sensible.
    As I am formally studying photography I know a lot of pros (though I am an enthusiastic amateur). One thing that I have learned after meeting pros is that they will buy a camera that works for them. If the focus is super critical, they are going to buy a D5 or D850. They are likely not going to care about the size or any other "benefit" of mirrorless - do you need to be quiet at a football game?
    And then there will be pros where focus is not much of a concern and as Matt says, many shoot Phase One with one card slot. As the lens line fleshes out they will be happy with the Z series and perhaps before if the FTZ works well.
    So to the commenters that are complaining that the sky is falling because there is only one card slot or for some other reason. Most pros are going to look at you, label you as the gearheads that you are, and make their own decisions, which will almost certainly include a Z series camera in their future. This likely includes me.
    For full disclosure, I will decide on my Z adoption strategy when I see how the adapter works and the early signs are good. I am less concerned about focus and more concerned about sharpness. I will not be buying the Z7 because I shoot a D850 and want a Z series that emulates a D850 or D5, not a D750. Price aside, the Z7 is really a high resolution D750. And I do want a dual card slot. Both for security and to obviate the need for bringing expensive, heavy and fragile computer gear to backup my cards when I travel.

    And one more thing. Nikon has designed a mount from scratch that is better for its long term strategic purpose than anything that the competition currently has, including Sony. Unless Sony and Canon upgrade their mount, Nikon has the advantage in the long term. Cameras are ephemeral things and individually, they will be forgotten.
    So what is all the talk on these forums about the cameras in the absence of the qualities of the Z-mount or the Z-mount vs its competitors, or even the glass that has been released or is on the roadmap?
    Have we collectively forgotten about what matters. Between camera, mount and glass, the qualities of the camera are the least important to me.


    And one more statement to Nikon if you are listening. There may be some negative feedback and it may be getting you down. To the extent that this is your fault, you can blame your seemingly non-existent marketing department. But from what I see at a high level, you have made the correct strategic decisions. So keep plunking away. "Critically" listen to the critics but don't let them get you down.
    Post edited by WestEndFoto on
  • tc88tc88 Posts: 537Member
    Hiker said:

    Nikon rushed these cameras out. That's my opinion and the opinion of many others, including die hard Nikon users. ... And again, after years of bashing mirrorless, the Nikon folk (yup, there it is again) have blinders on all of a sudden.

    You say Nikon users agree with you and they don't agree with you on same topic. What's the logic? If you have paid attention, you probably can tell the reception is lackluster by Nikon users which means they do see issues.

    I'm for you to be able to voice your concerns and issues as much as the next person singing Nikon praises. However, personally, I think you are at a point that you let your unhappiness and anger cloud your judgement.
  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    Hiker said:


    You seem to be missing my point. But that's not really surprising now is it?! Nikon rushed these cameras out. That's my opinion and the opinion of many others, including die hard Nikon users. Maybe, just maybe the new Nikons will be great. But with this big to do with a release, they should have had a camera in the hands of people that was going to be released to the masses. NOT preproduction. Nikons marketing is horrible. All they had to do was make enough cameras for the reveal that would show what this is capable of. Thinks might have been different in peoples responses. And again, after years of bashing mirrorless, the Nikon folk (yup, there it is again) have blinders on all of a sudden.

    Yes, I am missing your point, because the point seems to be an agenda that you have not stated. You are coming across as someone with an axe to grind. Now maybe there is some sensible logic in your thinking and you have "hit" on some truths, but I have not been able to discern it and I have tried. Perhaps state your agenda and we will go from there.
  • tc88tc88 Posts: 537Member
    edited August 2018
    Nikon's marketing is indeed horrible. I happened to watch the release event, and even considering Japanese are reserved, that's the most uninspiring new product release I have witnessed. Long transitions between speakers with irrelevant graphics, general spins that can be said about any camera. The most damning of all are the two Nikon ambassadors they brought on stage at the end. The male timelapse guy appeared as if he's forced into the event, and if he had any way, he would have escaped. The female photographer appears a little more enthusiastic. But all she could muster to say if I can phrase it correctly, is that she can certainly consider using it in some aspects of her photography, which I'm guessing means that she won't, because that's the least positive nice thing they can say.

    But having said that, marketing can not cover glaring issues in engineering. Knowing the issues now, I can certainly see the reasons behind why she phrased that way.

    Finally I don't think the marketing have as much control in product pricing and placement either. That's some other business department. I think Nikon is trying to be Leica.
    Post edited by tc88 on
  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
    Agree. Again I compare them with Nintendo - the two companies have a lot in common. Both are specialized companies in stagnant to declining markets and both compete with Sony. And it’s a night and day difference as to who has the better marketing.
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member

    I posted three comments on the blog and I will copy them here:

    1....Most pros are going to look at you, label you as the gearheads that you are, and make their own decisions, which will almost certainly include a Z series camera in their future...

    2....And one more thing. Nikon has designed a mount from scratch that is better for its long term strategic purpose than anything that the competition currently has...

    On point one, coming from one of the biggest gear heads on the forum I find this comment absolutely hilarious.

    Point 2: Coming from the same person who earlier in this same thread said in multiple posts over and over again, that you wouldn't even consider Nikon mirrorless if the native mount wasn't the F-mount, again I'm laughing. Then again I remember your post from a few weeks ago where you said that you only reason post here is to stir people up for fun, so how can I, or anyone else, really take anything you seriously at all?

    As to comments from others about "mirrorless bashing", I just don't see it. People are pointing out real problems that they have with the cameras, that doesn't make them bashers, they are looking at the facts and making decisions based on what they know. I don't hate mirrorless, I've owned two or three of them already (Panasonic and Fuji), but didn't keep them because they didn't get the job done. Fun little cameras to use, and many aspects were attractive, but they weren't small enough that I didn't have carry around a bag of gear around anyway. Until a solution comes around where by I can get full frame results in a small package (glassless lens camera tech most likely) I see few reasons to change.

    To me, unless mirrorless solves a problem that I have it's pointless to have one, simple as that. Nikon with the Z6/7 release, nor any of the manufactures to date, have done anything to convince me that having a mirrorless camera would solve an actual photography problem that I have with DSLRs. I do have issues with DSLRs, no doubt about it, which is why I tried mirrorless in the past, but it introduced it's own set of problems. Now for some people that might not be true. For dedicated landscape, still life, portrait, wedding, restate, photographers I can see it being a dream come true to be honest.
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • RmologicRmologic Posts: 77Member
    I am just glad to have a option with Nikon DNA and ergonomicsin a MILC instead of having a second system. Don't know when I will get one but I would look at swapping my D750 for a Z6 as my travel body and wild Life video and continue to use my D500 for all tele work.
    D7100,D3200, Sony RX100mk3, Nikkor Primes: DX 35 1.8, 50 1.8D, 105 2.8 VR, Zooms: Tokina 11-16 DXII, Kit 18-55 and 55-200 VR, 18-70 VR, 70-300 VR. SB-800, Induro CT 214, RRS TA-2-LB, BH-30 Pro2, MC-L, BP-CS
  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    edited August 2018
    PB_PM said:

    I posted three comments on the blog and I will copy them here:

    1....Most pros are going to look at you, label you as the gearheads that you are, and make their own decisions, which will almost certainly include a Z series camera in their future...

    2....And one more thing. Nikon has designed a mount from scratch that is better for its long term strategic purpose than anything that the competition currently has...

    On point one, coming from one of the biggest gear heads on the forum I find this comment absolutely hilarious.

    Point 2: Coming from the same person who earlier in this same thread said in multiple posts over and over again, that you wouldn't even consider Nikon mirrorless if the native mount wasn't the F-mount, again I'm laughing. Then again I remember your post from a few weeks ago where you said that you only reason post here is to stir people up for fun, so how can I, or anyone else, really take anything you seriously at all?

    I think that you are attacking the debater rather then the debate. This suggests that are not confident with a counterpoint. Or perhaps you misunderstand, so I shall clarify.

    Regarding your counter to Point 1, I do like gear. But I don't let it get in the way of my photography - meaning my desire to improve my photography. As you are from Vancouver, you are likely familiar with some of the photography programs in Vancouver. I am enrolled in one of the two most respected programs and nobody in that program would call me a gear head because I am focussed on pursuing photography as an artform and it is obvious to all. Thus lies the rub with Nikon Rumours. Nikon Rumours is a gear site with little or no mention of photography as art. Nothing wrong with that. But since I do like gear and there is little or no discussion about non gear issues, the misunderstanding is reasonable.

    And even if I am a gear head with no understanding of photography past gear, that does not invalidate the logic of the argument. It would just be a gear head making the argument. But that is not the case. Care to compare portfolios PB_PM? Perhaps then we can have a discussion on who is a gear head and who has progressed past gear head. Perhaps on another thread.

    Regarding your counter to Point 2, what I have consistently said is that if Nikon ruins the value of my f-mount lenses, then I will find another suppler (because I will be annoyed at the break in trust). They might do this by ceasing production of f-mount cameras and poorly adapting f-mount lenses to the new mount. Time will tell, but the FTZ seems to do a good job with the exception of D-glass. But I only have one D-lens where auto-focus is important to me and after purchasing the new 105, I don't use this lens much. I didn't say I would never consider mirrorless, or in a lapse of discipline in the heat of the argument, I might have said it once. But certainly not "in multiple posts over and over again". What I did say is that I would prefer a certain type of mirrorless with an f-mount. You can consider this the definitive statement of my position on this matter.

    You have further said, "that you only reason post here is to stir people up for fun, so how can I, or anyone else, really take anything you seriously at all?" Now PB_PM, I am tempted to call you out and accuse you of a sneaky little deception, but perhaps it is simply poor reading skills. "Only reason" is the error or deception that I refer to. I did not say that.

    What I did say is that I do like doing what you misquote as it is an excellent debating technique to make provocative statements (as long as they are sincere) and to clarify, I like doing that amoung other things. But here is the thing PB_PM. Have you ever heard of a debating class, or a debating society, or a politician? These people like to debate. Do you refuse to take them seriously simply because they like to debate? Alternatively, are only people that don't like debating the only valid sources of opinion?
    Post edited by WestEndFoto on
  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    Here are a couple of interesting articles from Thom.

    His comments about "Points of Failure" are very interesting. I should point out that one reason that I shoot two cards is for one as a backup. I then store the original and backup in different places. This is especially useful when I am on vacation.

    I heard another user that is a wedding photographer state that they had only seen a card failure once and since it did not happen on assignment they are not concerned. I would say, "It could have happened on assignment and your reputation is a key value point. You only need to screw up once and your value is diminished or otherwise worthless."

    Very interesting points. Nikon may be really aiming high with S lenses.
  • SymphoticSymphotic Posts: 711Member
    Dear friends:
    First. I am happy about the single card slot in the Nikon Z. I have NEVER had a failure or even a blip from and XQD card, but I video data once (in the old days) on an SD card. I don't use SD cards for anything except jpeg backups, and I throw those away once it get the RAW files on my server. I won't miss it.
    If all this carping about a single card keeps the pre-orders down, I should get my Z7 sooner than I got my D850.
    Second. Remember all the angst about adapters? Some of us with experience using the FT1 adapters thought this was a waste of emotion, and all evidence shows we were right.
    Third. Some of you guys are making this site no fun anymore. I hate hearing ad hominem harping and harangues. Go take some pictures or something. Get a life.
    I'm outta here. I'll check back in with you all once I've taken my Z7 to sea on a job. I hope that will be in mid October or November in beautiful British Columbia.
    Jack Roberts
    "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
    @Symphotic hate to see you take a break but I totally agree that this personal stuff that’s going around is a real buzzkill.
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    edited August 2018
    I am with @Symphotic on this. You guys (you all know who you are) are going to end up being the only members on this forum if you don't learn a little tolerance and patience. You will then be able to argue over trivia ad nauseum.
    Look, some of the things said here can be hard to ignore, but not that hard that it can't be done. Just take your reply to pm's. That way we don't have to read it.
    Post edited by spraynpray on
    Always learning.
  • tc88tc88 Posts: 537Member
    I like to at some time write a thesis titled "Hypothesis Regarding the Difference in Internet Arguments and Lunchtable debates". But that will be off topic here. :)
  • Capt_SpauldingCapt_Spaulding Posts: 758Member
    Not a bad idea. I've heard some universities are creating degree programs in Communication Disruption Studies. Your idea should fit right in.
  • tc88tc88 Posts: 537Member
    edited August 2018
    Personally, I feel a forum without debates will die down by itself. On the other hand, it's very hard to debate meaningfully over the internet.
    Post edited by tc88 on
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,451Member
    I note Canon has delayed its FF mirrorless launch about 1 month...wonder if they are making sure the spec exceeds the Z
  • Vipmediastar_JZVipmediastar_JZ Posts: 1,708Member
    Since the 23rd there has been many well known artists bringing up the 1 slot and "forced" new mount.
    Since I'm a NRF member I knew a long time ago about why the F lens wouldn't fit in the mirror less body. Once I educated them via the internet they dropped that mentality.

    For the 1 slot concern I asked and nobody answerd this
    How did the sony wedding photographers survive pre-2017 dual slot bodies?
    Sony makes the XQD card, why doesn't sony use their tech on their mirror less body?

    And all the polls about memory loss has been SD and hardly anybody has said they lost a XQD.

    I'm a tech fan and Sony is one tech company I trust but in other departments (PS4, tv's ..) For sony camera I choose to not switch due to the single slot pre-2017. When last year bodies came out i was excited about the battery life and the possibility of pixel shift for architecture. What hold me back was the lens adapter for nikon lens are not 100% confirmed and I had just gotten the 105 1.4 so I held off.
    Now the Z offers everything I wanted including IBIS. It can also shoot tether to the computer. So that means no funky LR and no need to buy capture one to just tether.

    I still shoot the Df and I'm wondering if the Z is an actual replacement to the Df.
    Besides the single slot is there anything else compelling that is a turn off?
    I have to try it out myself to make a better judgment on it and see if I actually like the EVF
  • Vipmediastar_JZVipmediastar_JZ Posts: 1,708Member
    retread said:

    Well I am 74 and still waiting to order the D850. Hoping for a drop in price when you all trade up to the Z7 & Z6.

    If you are in the USA pm me and I can refer you to my local vendor. They have the d850 in stock.
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